This is an older "sweep tube" amplifier, as you may or not be aware, the tubes in this amplifier were never meant to be used as an RF amplifier. The reason they were used back then, is that they were plentiful and cheap, and did work to amplify RF, but their original application was for use in older tube type TV sets as the horizontal output tube. That's why the slang term given was "sweep tube" because they were used in the horizontal sweep section of the TV set.
Because they are no longer made, and weren't very rugged to begin with, care should be taken to not over drive them. Things get even worse when you try to push them into AM service. For SSB they would work OK, but when you have a lot of CB guys using them on AM, for something they were never designed to do, and then take a step more, and they try to get every last watt out of them......use your imagination as to how well they work and for how long.
So to sum up, I would keep the carrier level low, about 2 watts, and peak at 8-10 watts max. On SSB, I would say 12 watts PEP. If you do this, the amplifier will last a while, providing the capacitors are still good. Those are the only other part that would really wear out on these amplifier due to heat and age.