I'm going to be mounting a screwdriver antenna on a gull wing cross bed toolbox. Obviously it will be centered left/right, but does it make any difference if it is centered fore/aft? Would it be better to be further from the cab and have no tool box under the rear of the antenna, or be closer to the cab but have metal directly underneath the rear of the antenna? It's going to have 6 or 7 feet of bed behind it no matter what, but I have no idea how the elevation of the ground plane effects things.
It's not really something I can just move around and see what works best. Yes the mount will be strong enough, and I should be able to bond the toolbox well enough I think.
It's not really something I can just move around and see what works best. Yes the mount will be strong enough, and I should be able to bond the toolbox well enough I think.