Thanks for the welcome Marconi.
My last step is usually to add a variable," SY AGL=240" and add it to all the Z coordinates
Does this?

Even well meaning and conscientious modelers can overlook some important factor (like AGT tests) it's easy to miss things when you have lots of models and variations and you alter them considerably.
I hope for someone to point out where my models have room for improvement.
Even though I mostly use them to compare or answer a certain question.
This is my study model of the sigma 4 (in freespace)
It is not intended to be an exact model of any specific antenna (and probably needs a mast)
Not a really elegant model but I think it serves the purpose.
OH!I just opened a .ez file in notepad now I see why you cant just post the model like I did the one above. Is that a proprietary format?
And Marconi I don't think your efforts are in vain.
Agree 100%Modeling in its primairy stage should be done in freespace...
As that is the only way to illuminate all the other influences.
My last step is usually to add a variable," SY AGL=240" and add it to all the Z coordinates
Is it the sigma 4 baskets and the "trick" employed to help the model show the basket elements in phase with the main radiator?Regarding those phase currents thingy..
I am more than willing to help...but what is it you do not understand ?

Does this?
Hey! I might resemble that remarkheck there are those who do modeling...let say....with room for improvement.

Even well meaning and conscientious modelers can overlook some important factor (like AGT tests) it's easy to miss things when you have lots of models and variations and you alter them considerably.
I hope for someone to point out where my models have room for improvement.
Even though I mostly use them to compare or answer a certain question.
This is my study model of the sigma 4 (in freespace)
It is not intended to be an exact model of any specific antenna (and probably needs a mast)
CM 11 meter cb by ghz24 (sigma 4)
SY z=324 'driven element length
SY rh=108 'ring height
SY zp=12 'avoid segment errors
SY rsf=1 'changes ring diameter
GW 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 zp 0.17
GW 2 67 0 0 zp 0 0 z 0.05260011
GW 6 7 0 0 0 0 30*rsf rh 0.05260011
GW 7 7 0 0 0 0 -30*rsf rh 0.05260011
GW 8 7 0 0 0 -30*rsf 0 rh 0.05260011
GW 9 9 0 0 0 30*rsf 0 rh 0.05260011
GW 100 1 29.99994*rsf 0*rsf 0+rh 27.7163225*rsf 11.4804889*rsf 0+rh 0.05260011
GW 101 1 27.7163225*rsf 11.4804889*rsf 0+rh 21.2131466*rsf 21.2131466*rsf 0+rh 0.05260011
GW 102 1 21.2131466*rsf 21.2131466*rsf 0+rh 11.4804889*rsf 27.7163225*rsf 0+rh 0.05260011
GW 103 1 11.4804889*rsf 27.7163225*rsf 0+rh 0*rsf 29.99994*rsf 0+rh 0.05260011
GW 104 1 0*rsf 29.99994*rsf 0+rh -11.480489*rsf 27.7163225*rsf 0+rh 0.05260011
GW 105 1 -11.480489*rsf 27.7163225*rsf 0+rh -21.213147*rsf 21.2131466*rsf 0+rh 0.05260011
GW 106 1 -21.213147*rsf 21.2131466*rsf 0+rh -27.716323*rsf 11.4804889*rsf 0+rh 0.05260011
GW 107 1 -27.716323*rsf 11.4804889*rsf 0+rh -29.99994*rsf 0*rsf 0+rh 0.05260011
GW 108 1 -29.99994*rsf 0*rsf 0+rh -27.716323*rsf -11.480489*rsf 0+rh 0.05260011
GW 109 1 -27.716323*rsf -11.480489*rsf 0+rh -21.213147*rsf -21.213147*rsf 0+rh 0.05260011
GW 110 1 -21.213147*rsf -21.213147*rsf 0+rh -11.480489*rsf -27.716323*rsf 0+rh 0.05260011
GW 111 1 -11.480489*rsf -27.716323*rsf 0+rh 0*rsf -29.99994*rsf 0+rh 0.05260011
GW 112 1 0*rsf -29.99994*rsf 0+rh 11.4804889*rsf -27.716323*rsf 0+rh 0.05260011
GW 113 1 11.4804889*rsf -27.716323*rsf 0+rh 21.2131466*rsf -21.213147*rsf 0+rh 0.05260011
GW 114 1 21.2131466*rsf -21.213147*rsf 0+rh 27.7163225*rsf -11.480489*rsf 0+rh 0.05260011
GW 115 1 27.7163225*rsf -11.480489*rsf 0+rh 29.99994*rsf 0*rsf 0+rh 0.05260011
GS 0 0 0.0254
GE 0
GN -1
EX 0 1 1 0 1 0 0
FR 0 0 0 0 27.18 0
OH!I just opened a .ez file in notepad now I see why you cant just post the model like I did the one above. Is that a proprietary format?
And Marconi I don't think your efforts are in vain.