Read it again you missed it.
Got a Bird 43? Try it for yourself. Put a known wattage into a 50 ohm load. Replace the load with a 100 200 or 300 ohm resistor. Read forward power. It will increase. Read reflected power. Notice the forward power increase is the amount read for reflected power.
Anyone out there with an antenna tuner want to play along? Mess up your SWR on purpose and tell us what your Bird does.
This is because watt meters don't really read watts at all. It's simply an RF volt meter that has been calibrated to read in watts based on the assumption it's always operating into a 50 ohm load. Increase the load impedance and the RF voltage goes up. Unfortunately this leads to misunderstanding because the watt meter shows more power even though much less power is being transferred into the load. With a 100 ohm load, your 50 ohm watt meter will incorrectly report twice the power output. On the other hand it will also indicate a 2:1 VSWR. The only accurate part is the 2:1 VSWR. Wattage can only be measured into a 50 ohm load.