Well now this is an interesting thread that begs a question......
I saw the ordinance listing above with the infamous #5 concerning 'licensed amateur'.
Amateur radio requires a license.
Citizen's Band radio does not require a license.
The Federal government/FCC offers/allows BOTH services.
(Not counting HOA's) Can a lower tier of government just completely disallow installation of an antenna.... in a legal radio service.... just because you don't have a license? For crying out loud... the service doesn't require one!
First Amendment is clear as a principle. It’s enough for me.
(You one of those walking around with a face diaper?)
Don’t respond.
Put two & two together.
It ain’t about them.
What does it mean to be “neighborly”?
“Disturb the peace” like the jerks above isn’t neighborly.
You’ve moral agency, or you don’t.