When ever someone complains about my antenna, I start thinking about making a spark gap transmitter.
Not sure what your implying by phone use, but I do know reliable 2-way communication is required for OD loads. Cell phones can lose signals so that wouldn't be reliable.Im an oversize load escort. I'm required by law to have a two way communication devise when ever I'm with a load. I'm required to be able to communicate with the driver. Everyone uses a CB. I.m not sure how that works with the laws, but I've never heard of anyone getting a ticket. I've always thought the no phone laws were enacted because of the irresponsible use when driving and the responsible use got included. I'm not anticipating getting a ticket while working, but you never know.
I installed a Penetrator antenna in the back corner of my lot in mid summer.Painted it como green, and have lots of fir tree and maple trees behind, that really breaks up the outline. I ordered the AARL handbook, and have been studying for the Technitions license. I own a couple 10/12 meter radios, and cb radios.
I have read through the city ordinance online for my area and it did mention ok for Licensed armatures. Iwent to m city of Edinburg Texas about 2 years ago. I was told by a woman there that i could not apply for a permit because my loy was now commercial and i needed to get it subdivided. weeks later I went back to talk to her again. She was not there but I talked to a guy and told him I wanted to put up a tower for my antenna and I kinda slide in there it wasfor TV and cb. guy says what do you wat a permit for water? Electricity? sewerage? i said no none of those I dont need any services from the city! he say what do you want a permit for I said to put up the antenna you dont need a permit just put it up so i got a 45 ft shooting star by maco that amazedly gets tv channels lol. and I am also working on my license slowley to trying. hope this helps a little dont worry about your TV antenna Im sure it will be fine. Lone Star 281 deep south Texas
I know I am not licensed, but hope to be soon.
Noticed a city building official and code inforcement truck on my camera, in front of my property a few weeks ago, but have not gotten anything in the mail or heard from them.
Neighbor that I didn’t know very well stopped by the other day and started asking lots of questions about my setup.
I don’t transmit that much, just cb to cb with my wife from my Jeep, with no extra power, usually sideband.
I don’t know anyone else that is in to radio in my area, so I do a lot of listening and sideband radio club check-ins.
Maybe I am just being paranoid, but do they usually make people remove antennas until they are licensed?
My antenna is up in the air 50’ to the very top from ground level.
Ok,I'm not implying. The whole question about the legality of using a CB came about because of the restrictions on cell phone use while driving. I'm not suggesting using a phone for OD loads.
When ever someone complains about my antenna, I start thinking about making a spark gap transmitter.
No current restrictions on CB or Amateur radio use while driving in the US.
Years ago, Coconino county(Flagstaff Az) did it for ALL electronic devices while driving in that county including ALL radio's and GPS. Thanks to the Amateur radio community in that area that ruling was quickly amended for ALL radio's at least.
No current restrictions on CB or Amateur radio use while driving in the US.
Years ago, Coconino county(Flagstaff Az) did it for ALL electronic devices while driving in that county including ALL radio's and GPS. Thanks to the Amateur radio community in that area that ruling was quickly amended for ALL radio's at least.
I installed a Penetrator antenna in the back corner of my lot in mid summer.Painted it como green, and have lots of fir tree and maple trees behind, that really breaks up the outline. I ordered the AARL handbook, and have been studying for the Technitions license. I own a couple 10/12 meter radios, and cb radios.
I have read through the city ordinance online for my area and it did mention ok for Licensed armatures.
I know I am not licensed, but hope to be soon.
Noticed a city building official and code inforcement truck on my camera, in front of my property a few weeks ago, but have not gotten anything in the mail or heard from them.
Neighbor that I didn’t know very well stopped by the other day and started asking lots of questions about my setup.
I don’t transmit that much, just cb to cb with my wife from my Jeep, with no extra power, usually sideband.
I don’t know anyone else that is in to radio in my area, so I do a lot of listening and sideband radio club check-ins.
Maybe I am just being paranoid, but do they usually make people remove antennas until they are licensed?
My antenna is up in the air 50’ to the very top from ground level.
I can only find ammended rule link.Would you happen to have a case citation?
When ever someone complains about my antenna, I start thinking about making a spark gap transmitter.