On the right track but off a little, keep going.
if you had a resonant antenna the feedpoint impedance would be resistive with no reactance j=0
lets say for example you got very lucky and had an ideal situation for feeding the antenna with 50ohm coaxial cable X=50 with the imaginary reactive part J =0, vswr= 1:1
for whatever reason you can't have an antenna that tall and must make it shorter without ruining its performance,
you shorten the antenna it becomes reactive and is said to be electrically short or capacitive,
X goes down & the imaginary part J is no longer zero, vswr is no longer 1:1,
you add the hat to electrically lengthen the antenna and adjust it to restore resonance j=0,
you have resonance again j=0 but X won't be 50ohms, could be something like X=30 J=0 depending on how big your hat needs to be & vswr won't be 1:1
its important to remember that resonance and vswr are NOT the same thing.
I know all those terms from this and other discussions. And in my studying. Now it all fits.
Thanks for your help! Great article.
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