It's strange. When people operate above/below the allocated 11 meter channels, it's free banding on cb but when one does it on amateur bands it's an issue.
I'd never operate on amateur bands and never will yet i have no problem free banding.
I guess there's limits to my criminal activity.
I'm just trying to make a point. I myself don't know what stops me from becoming a pirate on amateur radio, yet I've no issues doing it on CB.
Maybe it's the difference between taking a soda and the cost of a soda when the machine spits the money back out. As opposed to smashing the machine with a hammer in order to get to the money. I really don't know why but I've no interest operating on ham radio without a license. I have no problem free banding. Maybe someone can explain why this phenomenon exists. I'm sure there are many operators without licenses on ham radio, but nowhere near the amount of people free banding. Go figure.
As you say "criminal activity", and your admitting to, " I guess there's limit's to my criminal activity".
!. I do not admit to being a criminal, as I am not your definition of the word, as in you admit to free band on 11 meters (cb) but do not on other bands (amateur).
I think that god made the air and the tools man has come up with in this life are there as god let us make them.
You may say I am a criminal, if I where to transmit on out of c.b. channels but yet you in the same voice say that you do engage in that criminal act, yet you want to point a finger at some one because you think that because some one has the knowledge of the other free band freq's. that they are a criminal. So I must be guilty of a thought crime.
It is too bad that a man would think that way.
When people use Echo Charlie, it is done when no other op. is there, E.C. op's, will lesion, and when no one is heard, will call CQ DX, then wil move on.
There is no difference in my mind when it comes to the law, you are 100% in or you are not. My horse is not a high one, it is just a horse and I ride it hard.
You may not like my words, It's your right. I will conduct myself as I do, I will not kill a man with out my gvmt. telling me to do so. and I will not take your money or any thing that is Hurt full to you or your kin.
Like I posted some months back, at that time I was working on getting my ticket, now that I have it I will keep my operations as I always have with dignity and courtesy. You may bend the laws in your own way, just as everyone does. I'm glad to know who the hypocrites are around me, that's how you know who you can trust when the $hit comes down.
A lot of folks love the radio hobby, and some go a bit over board...50 watts or more, noise toys etc. But wait by my saying that I have just set a line of lawbreaker to law bender. I will not do that. I will op as I do, and you can keep stealing the money from the soda dealer, and free banding on cb 'cause its ok in your mind. And I did not just get down, I'm sitting, and my ears are perked waiting to hear from my pal in Oz like I do every day most of the time I do not hear him anymore....that's radio.