If I were you I'd put the 250B's on 6 meters. Especially if you have plans for a two tube 3-500Z HF amp. They will make a very nice 6 meter amp if you like that band. Because you have 100 watts drive available I wouldn't even consider running the tubes as tetrodes. Yes the IMD will be better but then you have to deal with a screen regulator that can handle negative screen current. You need to apply negative feedback to neutralize the tube. If you over drive it once the grid will go bye bye without overload protection.
It would be easiest to ground the control grid and screen grid directly to RF ground. This should make neuturalization unnecessary. You could add some positive screen voltage to boost the gain however, don't forget about negative screen current if you do. You need a shunt regulator here because when the tube conducts heavily, secondary emissions are generated.
This causes the screen grid voltage to climb because the secondary current flow wants to drive the screen voltage towards where the plate voltage is through the secondary electron flow. Most builders ignore this issue and the result is unstable output power that wants to increase the longer you are keyed. This is similar to thermal runaway with transistors and can melt the screen grid into destruction if not controlled.
Good advice.I see we were posting at the same time. LOL.I have decided to go for 6m with this amp plan BTW. I do have 100 watts available but was planning to have a fixed ALC feedback from the amp so that whenever the amp is powered on the radio would automatically be throttled back. Using a fixed external ALC voltage I should not have any overshoot on key up either. I was simply going to derive the ALC feedback voltage from a spare filament winding.