Hmm, from before the internet? Not really.
That date is a quirk of the way Unix-type operating systems store date and time. It's a stupidly-long binary number. It counts up 60 times a second from a starting date/time of one second after midnight January 1, 1970. Just one problem. This forum was transferred from a non-Unix to a Unix-flavor operating system ten or twelve (?) years ago. Moving posts from the old system to the new one would have required translating the date attached to every post from the old date/time system to the new one.
Didn't happen. As such, the new system interpreted the scrambled date/time data as one second before midnight Dec 31, 1969, just before the Unix-standard 'zero' reference for its binary date data format.
But any time you see a date on the internet of Dec 31, 1969 it reveals a glitch in translating data from a (say) Micro$oft-based system to a Unix-type environment.
Quirky 541t.