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I speak English and remember some Spanish from high school. After spending the last few years off and on in Montreal on business, I can read enough French to order food in a restaurant and understand about half of what I read otherwise.

My English is really good though so I must be a technical radio genius because of it.

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My father grew up in Colombia, and I learned to speak Spanish from him, along with Hispanic friends I had growing up. I am positive that my Spanish, when it was at its best, which it no longer is, was much worse than Peter's English.
I always need to remind myself that those who speak broken English usually speak two languages. Unfortunately I only speak one with a little guttural slang plus a few swear words I never forgot in high school Spanish class. I only blame myself, Rosetta Stone is out of the question at my age.
I actually thought about purchasing the Rosetta Stone language learning program. My dad, and a few other family members still speak Italian during get-togethers. It's a bit frustrating that i only understand a word here and there.
My decision not to purchase the program is exactly the same reason given by yourself. I'm too damn old! The old adage you cannot teach an old dog new tricks definitely applies on my end. 73's.
It’s 2018 and I still wear Joe Elliot Def Leppard blue jeans, haha. I don’t wear anything but t-shirts, I don’t think I own a shirt with a single button on it. Oh, and I’m a chunky little white boy with a flat ass and I continually have to pull my pants up despite wearing a belt. So I look like I’m trying to have the saggy pants thing that seems to be popular but I definitely ain’t trying.

Guess maybe I could stand to go on extreme makeover.
I'm beating a dead horse here but I believe Lou Franklin's book
Understanding and Repairing CB Radios: For the Professional Technician
Is worthy of a mention for anyone who likes CB and wants more than a "YouTube level" look into CB radio repair.
I hope to obtain a copy one day soon, after I go take the exam for tech/general.. :D
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I have that book, it has some good information in it and I enjoyed reading it.

I do repair work and as some of you know, I don’t know it all and I definitely don’t call myself a tech. There’s nowhere here to take any courses to learn anything like this, I’m self taught. Yea I live in the damn sticks.

It’d be nice if some of these guys that are much smarter than myself would be willing to teach this stuff but they don’t want to. I kinda understand why but still.
I have that book, it has some good information in it and I enjoyed reading it.

I do repair work and as some of you know, I don’t know it all and I definitely don’t call myself a tech. There’s nowhere here to take any courses to learn anything like this, I’m self taught. Yea I live in the damn sticks.

It’d be nice if some of these guys that are much smarter than myself would be willing to teach this stuff but they don’t want to. I kinda understand why but still.
I understand your pain, honestly not everyone has the ability or patience to be a proper "teacher", that is a skill on its own! ;)

I believe books are very valuable, and if one learns about amateur radio, all the better to apply it to CB. We all know radio is radio, it's not the operators class or ticket, but the amount of class the operator holds.

Passing on of information is vital, sometimes an in depth explanation can make all the difference! It's a shame to only know a little but about many things and not a lot about one field, I know that struggle from experience!
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C9B07303-3B5F-44C1-B2D2-C236B6B7B776.jpeg I’d like to learn more than I know, I know enough to get myself into trouble. Receiver issues are my downfall, I have a lot of trouble finding why a receive is weak like when the front end gets blown out. Replace those diodes and you still have weak receive.

I meant the ones that invented these neat toys like the SP1a and such, the little secrets and tips and tricks. They’ll be gone one day and take all that with them, though if the rest of us are lucky, radio will stil be here. Ham will be, it ain’t going nowhere but CB is definitely dying out in my opinion. Then again maybe ham will too cause kids these days don’t care about talking on a radio, they wanna text and snap and tweet and post their status.
I think there are people that are willing to pass on information. The biggest problem is, they don't have enough time, or don't have the skills to teach.

There is also the problem that students often don't have the patience or time to learn.

I have had several people over the years say they want to do what I do, and learn to repair and restore audio amplifiers. They never want to repair televisions, for some reason. I have a spare bench at my shop that is nearly fully equipped that I offer to let them use for free, and have told them that they can use it to do work on things, and I will help them with problems. They have all said they want to take me up on the offer, but nobody has ever worked at that bench but me.

I also think that some people think it is easier than it is, while others think it is harder than it is. In reality, it all depends on the student.
I most definitely wasn’t including you in that, bro. Anybody that says you’re not trying is blind. I meant the guys that make those videos, they won’t show what they do, they just show you what’s “more to come”. And most of them are questionable, as is their results.
Don't you just love "Edit" features on the vids?

Years ago with old film, they left it on the cutting room floor.

Nowdays, it's just gone!

No wasn't taking it personally. I myself don't do videos - always wanted to be a star - then Smartphones and selfie sticks came along and then I realized How Dumb I Really Looked.

To young to retire, too old to do it over again...

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I don't mind helping people but the people you are trying to help do what I refer to as "forum shopping" so I do not help anymore.
They have to show me they really want it.

What I mean by this is something like..
"I want to do XYZ"
Then I explain why XYZ is bad/good/indifferent and offer a solution and I get "but Joe snarky over there said it was OK" and they do it anyway.

That is trying to get the answer you want to hear.
Then it doesn't work or it DOES work for a short time and blows up or has some other side effect and now I am expected to resolve that. Absolutely not.
And too many people have done it to me to give a s--t these days.

Like @Handy Andy I am getting too old for this.

@TheRealPorkchop what are you looking for specifically in a video that isn't being shown? We may be able to answer that. :)
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Nothing in particular, I was just talking about the guys that won’t show their work or explain what they did and why. I understand that they’re in the business to make money and not to show everyone that stuff.

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