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ANyone think and email campaign would solve this lack of product on the market?

CK: Had both models also....Found them to have an adequate RX...easy programing....
I prefered the 20 watter...ran a THP 10in/100out amp plus RX pre-amp combo....Worked very well!....

One of those TE system amps...10in/300out w/pre-amp and a HB 3 element yagi at 30 or more feet....would be a good "stand alone" 6m station....

The HP/100watt version I thought got a little "warm" with my poorly working
"Gas Bag Filter"...
All the Best

PS: Does not do a bad job on CW also....leave the RX set around 50.069 +/_ and wait for the beacons to roll-in...
I have the 2950DX that I have not touched for years so am familiar with the functions etc. If I was to get one I too would look for the low power model. Do they still make the low power model? I want new not used. If not then the 100 watt model it would be. Not really interested in a lot of exciter power as I have a homebrew six element yagi that will eventually be at about 72 feet and you probably saw the Larcan thread where I mentioned having acquired a Larcan VHF-Lo band TV transmitter module that will produce 1200 watts with ease on 6m. This is probably my last year for several years to acquire new gear due to upcoming expenses so I figure the time is right for getting what I want while I can.
To the O/P:

Send all the e-mails you want but I do not think you will get a lot of feedback.
When Bill Good was still alive IIRC he met with some of the Brass of RCI and made suggestions on how to improve the 29XX series of radios, as well as pointing some flaws with the chassis.
As I understand it the "engineers" said that they were aware of the problems but they sell so why fix them.
And has already been pointed out, they do make a 10/12 meter rig.... and a 6 meter rig that sell just fine the way they are.

The Next point is that You are asking for all this in a $300.00 radio, not going to happen.
The only radio right now that is close to what you are asking for is A Export sold by a company in NZ called the Optima.
And it is selling for approx $325/$350 Range.
That is about as good as you are gonna get.

You do not have to spend $3000 on all mode HF rig, go look at the Yaesu FT-857d.

And to your comment about

I understand that Ham's will hate the fact that CB'er's will use it illegaly outside of 11 meter's and will break the 4 watt rule....

Hams are not in charge of enforcement of the rules on the CB bands in the U.S.
We have nothing to do with it, the only thing that concerns us is intrusions into the bands that we have license privilege`s in....Yes Ham Radio is "self policing" within our own bands, but not CB, so I am not sure where you get that from.
(I take it from your posting that you are a Ham right?)
(And you are posting this in the Ham radio section correct?)

"So instead of being idiots like the HAM community was with the HR2510 and it's clones and complaining so much it was pulled off the market maybe you should embrace the idiots that free band long enough to get a great radio at a good price. Use the market forces to your advantage."

It was not the Ham community that added the Hr2510/2600/LINCOLN radio to the now infamous and no longer valid "banned list".
It was a field agent from the FCC and even he was confused about what radios should or should not be on the list.

Actually Except for a few overzealous Kilohertz Cops, we could care less, if we want to run the radios you mention, nothing stops us from doing so.
It has already been asked of the FCC if A licensed Ham can use a "Export Radio" as long as He/She stays with-in the confines of His/Her License and have been told that it is perfectly legal to do so.....

How ever, good luck with your campaign.

I have an OPTIMA and it's a great little radio that performs and behaves like a real HF radio. It cost me about $350. delivered. For about $250. more you can get a real radio, the ALINCO DX-SR8


And yes, it can be opened up for 11M, and it has quite decent AM.
m42duster, what did you think of the 5054? How was the receiver in it compared to another HF/6m rig? With the current pricing and the fact our dollar is basically at par I have been thinking about getting one to use so I can monitor 6m while chatting on HF with the FT-857. I wish they made more separate mono band 6m rigs.

I had both 25W and 100W versions and enjoyed them both. The receive sensitivity was just fine for what I used it for. They even have a 2.4 kHz crystal filter. The 25 watt version ran basically 24/7 close to 6 years to monitor openings, still ran strong when it left the shack.

I used a dipole antenna mostly, but for a short time I used a loop and even a vertical. With the stock mic, AM audio reports were always strong and clear as well as SSB audio. It was a blast to use on CW.

Both of mine were bought used and you could tell that they were hardly touched and were in great shape. They do hold their value and still command a decent price on Ebay and elsewhere. I have bidded on a few over the past couple years and was shocked at the selling price. I should have kept mine, but would get another without hesitation. Decent antenna and a preamp would make a great little station.

I'd like to put one in my jeep with a big whip. Tons of people around here own multiband rigs but can't get them off the 2 meter repeaters to enjoy 6 meters.
I agree with the other posters here, you will never find a rig with all the features you mentioned for $300 or less. Much too expensive to build, and get type accepted.
There are plenty of HF/ 6 meter radios already available. The Alinco mentioned above is
a good one. If you are willing to go used, you can find excellent deals on used rigs that
meet a lot of your expectations. Adding digital modes with add-on adapters is not that expensive either. Dreaming is nice, but, some things are just not possible. Or, reasonable.
I have an OPTIMA and it's a great little radio that performs and behaves like a real HF radio. It cost me about $350. delivered. For about $250. more you can get a real radio, the ALINCO DX-SR8


And yes, it can be opened up for 11M, and it has quite decent AM.

Does.LDG offer a plug n play tuner for the alinco ?

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk 2
I have owned a couple Alinco DX-70's, an Alinco DX-77 and an Alinco SR8/T.

LDG makes an interface cable for the Alinco, but I never could get any of them to work correctly. It's best to use the LDG manually.
I have owned a couple Alinco DX-70's, an Alinco DX-77 and an Alinco SR8/T.

LDG makes an interface cable for the Alinco, but I never could get any of them to work correctly. It's best to use the LDG manually.

Are alincos junk ? I have notice a lot of folks on the local vhf nets saying how hot some mics are and surprised the audio from a alinco... they kinda seem like "poor mans" rigs....
When I first started in the hobby I used a couple Alinco rigs ( uhf/vhf)
DJ-F1t, DJ-580t, DJ-590t.
Only one presented a problem, the DJ-F1t, Two weeks after buying the radio, I dropped it hard at work off a cat walk onto concrete and the PLL would not lock, Alinco fixed it with a very quick turn around time.
I used the radios hard, especially the 580 and 590, They were good for cross band repeat while camping and stood up to fairly high duty cycles.
Overall they were good radios.
Never used any of there HF stuff.

I don't think Alinco's are junk. They had a bad name when they started but it was soon proven to be just the masses resisting a newcomer into the business i think. THe only Alinco product I pesonally owned was an older HT, the DJ-160. It was a single band 2m HT that worked well. I geared up an amp for it by pulling the PA assembly from an old Marconi DT-56 commercial business band mobile radio and ran it at 30 watts with 2.5 watts drive from the HT. One day the amp went into oscillations and fed some wicked RF back into the HT blowing out the front end. Alinco repaired it under warranty with a fast turn around time. That was a long time ago and I am not sure what they are like now for service. As for complaining about hot mics on VHF or UHF, are these people using HF/2m/UHF rigs and don't adjust the mic gain? It could also be that the Alincos are set with the deviation either a bit high or right on the mark and the repeater cannot handle it very well. I have heard all sorts of audio levels on repeaters from blow you out of the chair to crank up the volume all the way to hear them. That does not mean everything out there is junk. It just means there are a lot of people that have no idea what their gear is doing or how to adjust it even if they did. BTW, my favorite is some idiot using an amplified mic on his 2m rig and is about 15 or 20 KHz wide and splattering into the repeater.
BTW, my favorite is some idiot using an amplified mic on his 2m rig and is about 15 or 20 KHz wide and splattering into the repeater.

Hi Guys, I am new here and having a problem with my mobile 2 meter rig.
What it doing?
Well if I just key the radio it seems that the Repeater comes up just fine, but as soon as I start talking the Machine drops out, if I stop talking it keys back up < i can not figure it out.
What are you running?
A xyz brand mobile, on simplex my buddy tells me that the radio has awesome loud audio, it only does this on the repeater.
Anyone know what the Problem is?

I don't think Alinco's are junk. They had a bad name when they started but it was soon proven to be just the masses resisting a newcomer into the business i think. THe only Alinco product I pesonally owned was an older HT, the DJ-160. It was a single band 2m HT that worked well. I geared up an amp for it by pulling the PA assembly from an old Marconi DT-56 commercial business band mobile radio and ran it at 30 watts with 2.5 watts drive from the HT. One day the amp went into oscillations and fed some wicked RF back into the HT blowing out the front end. Alinco repaired it under warranty with a fast turn around time. That was a long time ago and I am not sure what they are like now for service. As for complaining about hot mics on VHF or UHF, are these people using HF/2m/UHF rigs and don't adjust the mic gain? It could also be that the Alincos are set with the deviation either a bit high or right on the mark and the repeater cannot handle it very well. I have heard all sorts of audio levels on repeaters from blow you out of the chair to crank up the volume all the way to hear them. That does not mean everything out there is junk. It just means there are a lot of people that have no idea what their gear is doing or how to adjust it even if they did. ""BTW, my favorite is some idiot using an amplified mic on his 2m rig and is about 15 or 20 KHz wide and splattering into the repeater"".

Lol. My ftm-350ar has a real hot mic I didn't know it until a modest ham mentioned it. Keep it at low. Ok well the alincos are very light on the wallet and look good...def wouldn't need to break the bank like the three large company's Kenwood,Icom,Yaesu.

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