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Anyone use Kenwood Sky Command.

We used to dry land Farm a lot of winter wheat, and developed a lot of open rolling foothills into Vineyard.
I spent plenty of time on a D-8 pulling grain drills as well as doing vineyard work.
Good Luck with the set-up.
You ever think about just taking a 100 watt all mode rig, like a 897 and a Auto tuner and Slip seat it?
You can use a MFJ 108 Inch whip and let the tuner deal with it.
The Tractors nowadays have fairly nice cabs.......
I was working back in the day when we wrapped canvas around the front of the tractor to get heat from the engine back to the operator in the winter, and you got a umbrella in the summer, a far cry from climate controlled cabs of today.
Thumbs Up for a American Farmer.

I have the RemoteRig integrated with a TS-480 and use it when I travel.

RemoteRig requires an Ethernet connection. Works best with a wired LAN connection. I carry a wireless to Ethernet adapter with me when wired LAN is not available. Sometimes I have issues with the hotel's firewall so I also carry a mobile 3G/4G hotspot from Sprint. Works well with 4G but not with 3G (too slow).

The networking issues can be a real pain to resolve. You need a static IP address to the router in your shack and need to open ports in your router for the RemoteRig data. Definitely not plug and play.

I think your situation would best be solved by a mobile HF rig and antenna on the tractor.
Well, I took the plunge into skycommand. I have an tmd710a as the transporter , TS480hx for the HF side and use a kenwood thd72a or tm d700 in mobile.

So far, Im loving the versatility and usefulness of this setup. It has freed up so much time to talk on HF. I DX while exercising, bike riding and driving the tractor.

I will admit the one downfall is not being able to smoothly scan the band because you have to wait for the TNC to send the command when you rest on a new freq. however I usually find an open freq and just call CQ and get people to come to me. The Audio is great and rxvr is just like im sitting in front of the radio.
HF Farming

Being a farmer here as well im looking into the kenwood ts 590 with SC2 to work 40 and 80m ssb from my tractor or combine. i understand the FCC had some issues about 2m link used in the remote setup,im still looking in to it.sure would give me a lot more radio time.:D
Being a farmer here as well im looking into the kenwood ts 590 with SC2 to work 40 and 80m ssb from my tractor or combine. i understand the FCC had some issues about 2m link used in the remote setup,im still looking in to it.sure would give me a lot more radio time.:D

Hi MOOFARMER, And welcome to the forum!

The FCC had some reservations about the system when skycommand was first introduced. However, Kenwood has since gotten the full goahead on skycommand II and it works beautifully
Well thanks for the nice welcome Dxhound. just happened to find this forum last nite as I was looking for info on skycommand 2. Been off the air for about the last 15 years.farming will do that to you.glad to hear that its working for you.its time for a new hf rig here anyway as Im running a old icom730. Havent keep up the times and a lot has changed related to the radios and rules I see now.besides I need to spend that corn money somewere;)


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