I got my butt chewed on several different occasions on this forum, let alone others - for pointing out things.
Some took it as a helping hand, others took my advice as a threat - either way, the way you operate your radio says more about you, than the mods you put in the radio.
So in light of all the craziness and meanness shared amongst those that wish to drive the world into a direction that many still don't want it to take, the shouts of those that want to be heard are drowned out by those that have the loudest voice.
You can call me what you wish, but all I am trying to do is equalize the playing field for everyone to fight, or play, fair.
I personally was working on radios like in this thread, but can't really talk too much about them - because of commitments I signed on for to find work at an earlier job - they are called Non-Disclosure Agreements.
Remember what I said about "Killing" or Bricking - or locking out your radio? These sections - all have "steering diodes" in them to send a signal - power or voltage - to the rightful place. If you remove too many, or short one out or place too much power thru it to "swamp out" another signal in contention, you will brick that radio - ANY radio.
...the "black box" approach...
The Summation.
Because? Not from "traps" but due to the nature of the Beast that the FCC Amateur and Citizen alike - all have to face - the notion that there will always be a bigger fish - that means you need to take full responsibility of that equipment you use and the voice your tongue produces.
Where does the Fish Come in? Someone else always tries to do more - with less - or worse, the same - trying to attain more from that...
The Graphic above is a representation of a summing approach to using inputs from several different "sensors" used to control the output on another. Think of this as an "AND/OR" - any of these inputs can control the box, and all the inputs can be used together to control it.
(Isn't there always a condition?)
Only if these inputs are designed to be shared. If one or another, or both - attempt to take full priority - the method fails because the other inputs are never seen.
This is why the Divider, those two resistors, or Extra parts on the Schematic - are there. To allow other devices to add their levels of input to control the output of the device.
There are other devices - shown as an NC - No-Component.
It means that as of the DATE the schematic (not build manufacture date) the Inception of it's novel design was approved and allowances for changes are considered. That part is not necessary for the current design - but this part; may be, are present, in revisions or other changes like the use of a different part that has a different level of gain, the NC can contain the component to restore Normal Operation
- Another way to look at this is the LOAD that must be shared -
- each input uses a DIODE a one way valve
- - to keep the inputs from others interfering with it's own function
- Each input uses a Divider as a means to lessen the level of output,
- to allow the other inputs to share the LOAD and deliver their information for process control
You can have a catastrophic failure of the inputs are too aggressive and not shared - the control box or the process it controls - can be rendered useless because of the nature of the failure.
You can see Didoes fail two ways...
- One - by power flow - blows open like a Fuse - output from that sensor goes dead...
- Two - By power dissipation - pellet melts - forming a short - line always active and function behind the diode then accepts and interacts with the other inputs.
I hope you understand, by using the above analogy - the use of the term, "Brick"
It is sage advice to know that you gather more Bees with Honey, than Flies with Vinegar.
I can't talk about the proprietary stuff, but I can point out omissions and errors that don't agree to what the FCC has on file with them, and what the radio is being sent to us from, being an undisclosed overseas location - many of these are "crippled" for a reason. Once the customer has committed to a sale - we can then look for and fix little things like what this thread and others (Stryker955 thread that many said, "those parts were never put in there") well, they were prototyped and shown to the FCC for certification - to improve the selling point via feedback, the radio was modded at the factory to still follow emission guidelines, but is not following all the values listed on the schematic let alone the support the schematic was approved for. There is a difference.
Type certification was supposed to be strict, so in a way, they killed the ability of an upstart community of smaller companies to work together in the United States to build communication Equipment.
Because the FCC has so much Red - Tape - those that have their foot in the door are grandfathered in, the rest that could provide a source of Made In America - lost the window of opportunity and are instead getting sold off in droves on the internet to foreign investors looking to find an edge in our market.