Parroting as in repeating, yes.Thanks 399 I have actually had a quick look at this - the settings are roughly the same.
When Magnuman and I were playing around with this, we half expected to see a big difference in the service menu settings between my radio and his, but the settings were basically the same.
I'm thinking (assuming) it could be a hardware change that has happened, that the firmware hasn't quite matched up with yet. There are no schematics or anything like that available from Qixiang, so it is all a bit of a guess at this point.
Again, I was letting you know that I'm familiar with how noise blankers work, their trade offs, various methods of implementation and their typical performance in 30 years of using them on CB/10 meter transceivers & HF transceivers and that I don't turn them on just for grins, it's when there's a need from a constant or intermittent impulse type noise source. Of which, there are plenty around my QTH and in my truck.