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Anytone AT-6666

Dr Salk comes to mind.
Dr. Salk campaigned for mandatory vaccination, claiming that public health should be considered a "moral commitment." Salk said, "Well, the people I would say. There is no patent. Could you patent the sun?"
Well who cares about beta matched (no beta matching on mosfets) any extra power is negligible in terms of S=units gained on air in real world. Not enough extra power to make a difference. If you need more power an external amp makes far more sense.
Without bringing a technicians name into the equation, with mismatched finals you will have intermodulation Distortion every time which will create out-of-band Spurs every time and anybody connecting an amplifier to such a thing would be completely stupid unless they used some sort of band pass filter to remove all of those Spurs above and below the fundamental frequency before amplifying the output signal.
Common Sense dictates that two mosfet transistors with a different gain will always create intermodulation distortion. No empirical evidence is necessary to prove this point-it's just common sense. Increased power is not the primary reason for upgrading the final transistors. The primary reason for upgrading the transistors is removing the intermodulation distortion and producing less heat while increasing the durability of the radio. It's impossible to clean up the signal when you have mismatched final transistors.
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What cb needs is a real manufacture to step forward and make a decent radio. Forget the bells and whisles and go back to knobs and switches. What's not needed is multi color displays, glow in the dark face plates and the focus on flash and less on function. Make the damn thing work right out of the box but as I have said before the market is just not there for all this. Quit making thinly veiled "ham" radios that directly aimed at the cb market. At least in the amature arena there are still decent manufactures making products that for the most part work out of the box. Yes there is the "flash" but there is also lower end stuff without all the crap.
Would be nice if they would come out with something like the Midland 7001, the export version. Give me a frequency counter and some freebranding channels with good receive and audio and leave menu behind.
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I just don't understand the "NEED" to have Menu in the first place.

We are "Analog devices" trying to use Non-linear functions of digital just to throw a switch, toggle a function (another "analog process") - so we can interface with other Analog Devices.

What has happened to the Adage, "- if you can't use it, don't buy it."

Man! Makes me want to hold onto the older stuff because the newer technology is just that - newer technology - but doesn't replace the human factor..

:+> Andy <+:
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Amen Andy!
I don't need some fancy Liquid Crystal Display (that will likely be irreparable and non-obtanium as soon as the warranty is up) to tell me what mode of operation I am in. With two fingers, I can tell from the mode switch on my 139XLR what mode I am in. I would guess that Cobra is 40 years old now and likely very easy to find a replacement mode switch should the need ever arise. No memory batteries to falter, no header pin corrosion to battle, no oven baked solder joints and no microscopic SMD components.

Ahh. The good old days!


This is an interesting perspective...

Menus are cheaper to produce, software code is cheap compared to components and dials.

You still need layout and functionality - far easier to find home plate using knobs than to make mistakes pressing buttons....

Cheap? No...Not Really, especially if you were on the "cutting edge" in the late 90's when RCI was beginning the INTERGRATION of the switching - they went to MENU so they could increase their complexity as a selling point...it was a lot of fun diagnosing diode routes and dual Darlington PNP transistors doing the switching.- many a good radio went to scrap during those days...

Would rather own a hardwired radio even with the digital control buffering than to trust a B-Tooth enabled radio that constantly senses and polls for data - the right user can take out and corrupt the radio putting it into an unusable state if the BT-device has an entry hack point for remote use. Power users? I see buss and CAM issues right away and that's not just with the radio - the vehicle they use it in.

It's just difficult to justify the reasoning for having a MENU driven radio while driving - can't take the risks associated with distracted driving when you're scrutinized if ever in an accident or pulled over. It's hard to fake it when you're caught...

Screaming "Profiling" doesn't take away the damages done because someone tells the operator to go here - and it's now too late...

We've got enough issues of distracted driving - now we have radios that are worse than GPS units telling you to "SLOW DOWN" when you're already stopped in the traffic jam - possibly caused by another hapless user trying to get their "fat fingers" to operate MENU while they tried to drive...

It's just more of a toy for those that have the time for that kind of "activity" - many of us don't - I just don't see CB land as a MENU driven realm for every one to use unless they themselves are "Stationary" and have nothing else to do but wait for someone to break in on a channel FCC never intended it for that purpose - it's citizens band radio - but who's gonna see your radios face? Let alone your's?

Its' ok to disagree - I'm not a big fan of the Menu-radio types. They're not a simple radio that works in all environments.

We need to bring Radio back to it's simpler form - just install, tune test and go - then you can worry about the drive and scenery more so than to suffer from a balky MENU system that requires you to lose your concentration and focus on what you should be doing versus what you are doing RIGHT NOW to get a radio to function.

Noises in RX along the way? RF Gain and ANL/NB - it's AM - SSB you still have it - just keep it simple for those that have far more roughhousing in the back seats while they drive (Kids and Pets).

GAWD people need to learn how to CRAWL first before they walk else there's several developmental issues - same applies to radio uses too - a learning curve - MENU may be your final effort of show and pinnacle of success - but it doesn't offer anyone any knowledge, or give them any experience on how to even understand the process of how RF gain, SWR and Mic Gain work?

:+> Andy <+:
... You Could Be A CB'er when...
... The Radio And The Antenna Cost More Than The Car Is Worth...
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Generally I prefer knobs for mobile use. When you learn where the knobs are, you don't have to look at it to adjust it. Menus are fine for a base where it can have your full attention. Ideally a menu driven radio for mobile use would have knobs for the most used functions and the functions that are set it and forget it would be ok in a menu.

SIGH...yeah, I know I sounded a little harsh with the upper post but as a trucker - I've seen several accidents that I got stuck in-line for the parade to pass by the point of impact - only to hear the traffic ahead talk about the incident and whos at fault. Only later to see the local Weigh stations "cracking down" on trucks just to let us know they're watching us.

Seen more trucks lose their stuff (radios) due to that. They peer inside your cab and if they don't like something or can't see thru - "WHAM" red-light pull over, check your stuff. and your logs too.

Its' not hard to fathom the issues around distracted driving or even road rage due to others that see someone not driving like they should (their perspective).

When I bought the Uniden 980 - I just about cried, to see a PC-122 offspring converted to the pushbutton mess they are now. All display and not one area for a toggle - unavoidable I guess - LCD is their game these days.

I though the "heads up" on the 79-290 from Midland and its' issues "corrected" the markets' demand for better quality stuff...Even the TRC-485 had it's moments too.

I own them all and I'll have one h@ll of a garage sale once this is over...needed templates for many of these, because they don't all have service manuals - you have to make your own - and now you're seeing a part of me that's trying to help...

But that brings me back to the original premise, I see where radios' going - the Millennial's want "features" and the makers complied - giving us essentially SDR radios in a self-contained package with little room for even the volume knob and the Mic connector (Remember the 501XL and it's RJ-11 telephone jack?)

It doesn't help the rest of us that have the requirement of needed CB to communicate for Dock traffic for the "Shack" to tell you where to go. The radio just sits there until you're called. If it's the only radio you got and you're called while working channel 6 - you've just made it hell for all the other drivers and they will check for activity and if you're found to be the one causing the problem - they'll cancel your load for the day and tell you to come back later - you just lost a days worth of pay because you wanted to fool around while on the clock. A bunch of other drivers will be waiting for you at the truck stop ... hope you brought coffee money...

People think this stuff is funny.

l remember those days of having a "box" that jams your phone and hangs you up - same thing - funny only until it happens to you.

:+> Andy <+:
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Without bringing a technicians name into the equation, with mismatched finals you will have intermodulation Distortion every time which will create out-of-band Spurs every time and anybody connecting an amplifier to such a thing would be completely stupid unless they used some sort of band pass filter to remove all of those Spurs above and below the fundamental frequency before amplifying the output signal.
Common Sense dictates that two mosfet transistors with a different gain will always create intermodulation distortion. No empirical evidence is necessary to prove this point-it's just common sense. Increased power is not the primary reason for upgrading the final transistors. The primary reason for upgrading the transistors is removing the intermodulation distortion and producing less heat while increasing the durability of the radio. It's impossible to clean up the signal when you have mismatched final transistors.
Really......LOL You think those radio's you buy that are built in China have matched transistors??? Really??? I got a bridge I want to sell you in Brooklyn New York she is a gem!!!! You think Ranger is matching transistors! LOL Stop I can not take this my diaphragm is cramping from all the laughter! You think Amitron, Alpha, Dentron and all the tube amp OEM are taking the time to match tubes? Next, you are going to want me to believe that OEM are matching caps too! LOL The biggest source of imd is not due to mismatched transistors inside of the radio especially at the advertised power output or lower from the OEM! If that where true all it would take to clean up a Galaxy or the like from the factory would be to replace the factory installed finals with a matched pair nothing else! LOL No one that can turn on a scope and read the results would ever by that at all! If you install an unknown transistor from Palomar you are not taking out a mismatched OEM part and installing the same part as the OEM that is just matching. It would be like taking a pair 2SD1446 and replacing it with a matched MRF455 and claiming that you got rid of the imd by simply swapping out the stock parts for a matched pair of like parts but that would a lie! the 2SD1446 and MRF455 are completely different parts other than the fact that they fit in the same socket type and are both 12V devices they have nothing really in common so the fact that the MRF455 are a matched pair by itself does not mean the "matching part" was what made the difference when the designs are totally different internally. Hardrive you do not even know what is different about the Palomar parts.IN a court of law you would be made to look like a fool if you tried to stand on what you are saying as fact! McDonalds told us for years they had 100% beef patties but it turned out they were using Earthworms as filler for a long long time. I could parrot what McDonald's was saying but that does not make it truth or factual!

Common sense is worthless in this conversation you always need proof! Common sense said the Earth was flat for about 6000 years then what 800 year ago or less than that common sense changed and the Earth was obviously round. For a few thousand years the Universe revolved around the Earth then suddenly everything revolved around the Sun! LOL Common medical sense said that the body contained 4 humors and the balance of which caused illness. Common sense less than 200 years ago said that if you were ill you needed to drain off some blood to cure your disease! Less than a 100 years ago common sense said Marathon runners should drink brandy laced with strychnine during the race to improve endurance and lessen the perception of pain! Common sense said that DC was safer and AC was deadly according to Edison and people gobbled that up! Common sense says you get what you pay for so if something is expensive it must be better! Just like common sense tells you that if something is heavier it must be better built! LOL

Common sense means less than nothing because not only is common sense not very common it is full of outright lies meant to keep those in power in power and those making things and selling things in a postion of authority and knowledge!

Anyone that has an understanding of Electrical Engineering not just electronic circuit design would never say something is "common sense". In fact, a lot of hard science is counter-intuitive the deeper you go. Just look at almost everything in "Quantum Physics" almost none of it is intuitive and commonsensical! If you think Maxwell and Tesla's results and ideas are intuitive you are either a liar or you really do not understand them.

On top of that, anyone that knows anything about electronics could lower imd without installing mystery parts just by using matched parts, making sure all the resistors and capacitors used in a circuit have the actual value they are supposed to have and doing a proper alignment that a factory does not have time to do. On top of that lowering output power and fine tuning the bias again will lower imd with no new parts needed.

Next you are going to attempt to convince us that you are getting enough increase in output power to give an additional S-unit or 2 or 3 right!?!?!? Get real! I can not imagine the parts and your time are worth the end result compared to a proper alignment and an external amplifier built to ham radio standards not Texas Star, Hopper Built, BBI, X-Force, Davemade etc.....If the end result does not show up on a meter at the receiving end it is not worth anything let alone a premium! What do you charge for less than $20 in parts and 1 hour of your time? You repeatedly tell us in your video's you do not troubleshoot radio's or repair them! You swap a few parts and do an alignment. For a 5-minute coax job you want what $65, $95 or more just to trim to your magic length and solder two Amphenol connectors on. That is not for the coax and the connectors that is just your labor. $95 per 5 minutes is a bit high! LOL

Would you ever agree to have your work evaluated by a 3rd party? I am guessing the answer is no! Oh wait I have you use your logic! LOL....Common Sense tells me you would not agree to that! LOL

You have idea's that are heretical which is not a bad thing but we are well beyond the put up or shut up stage. My Dad would say "You're talking out your ass!" because you are never willing to prove your work or give people anything of substance to test your idea's we are all just supposed to take you at your word and as expert or Guru! The problem is America is not the most loving and trusting of Guru! LOL

For the record I have plenty of old CB radio's that have great imd! LOL Likely as good as your radio's or better that have not been modified at all to give them great imd!

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