It is Not New..
Been Around For YEARS..
Yes Darn Expensive..
It is Not Adopted much into Ham Radio service.
Mostly Emergency Services..
Government pushed though P25.
While Ham radio moved with DStar..
More Recently Yaesu is using a version of P25 to likely compete with DStar..
Advantage simple...
Ability to use less bandwidth..
Able to use Texting and GPS type of communications as well..
Some like it and Some Don't..
Take it or Leave it.
Either way it is Indeed part of the current and Future.
Given its use of Less Bandwidth.
Been Around For YEARS..
Yes Darn Expensive..
It is Not Adopted much into Ham Radio service.
Mostly Emergency Services..
Government pushed though P25.
While Ham radio moved with DStar..
More Recently Yaesu is using a version of P25 to likely compete with DStar..
Advantage simple...
Ability to use less bandwidth..
Able to use Texting and GPS type of communications as well..
Some like it and Some Don't..
Take it or Leave it.
Either way it is Indeed part of the current and Future.
Given its use of Less Bandwidth.