Here re a few links to get you started on the road to being a Golden Screwdriver sweep tube amp GURU. Read it. Then Google lets say. What is Grounded Grid AB1.
If you put the time in. In no time. You will join the Sweep Tube Screw Driver club !
Oh I do not use Google anymore. I use DUCK and GO search. Faster. No tracking.
Here is a few Links to get you started. I now use Duck and Go search engine.
no tracking annoying pop ups etc.
"Build a Tube Type Linear Amplifier For CB Or Other HF Bands" Utube
Ive only seen a Pi-L Tank "Network setup on a couple of production Sweep tube amps.
For possibly 6meter or 15meter bands. Basically Palomar Skipper 300 designs. I have them. One day will play. Convert them to 11 meter. Simple. Measure the inductance
of one of my mint Palomar Skipper 300 Tank Coil. Then wind a better equivalent.
With the same inductance. Cheap better than pure copper tubeing. Even silver plated copper tubing. Found in nearly any auto parts store by the foot. Very low Q.
I bought complete rolls at Napa auto parts.
Nickel Copper Brake tubing. 3/16....1/8...1/4 O.D.
My method.
I do not know.
1) Output impedance of Tubes
2) I do not have a Grid dip meter
3) I do not know the Math. Nor do I care to learn. I am a Geezer.
But I can measure with my LCR meter the original tank Coil.
300w to 400 bananas. I will start with 1/8 OD
Wind a Tank 15% or so higher Inductance than original.
" " " " or so lower " " "
Mine always have a higher Q than the original. Always between 10 to 15 MAX Q.
I check the Sweeps for GM. Transconductance FIRST. Wasting your time.
If you do not know. The quality and GM of the tubes !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have clip jigs I made. Solder them in. Drop in Tank coils. Stretch. Sqeez.
Some times I go to 1/4 OD. Even Brass strips I twisted into a coil.
But I find a tank coil with 12-13 Q that resonates. With Maximum output.
And without a Grid dip meter. Which will only get you close anyway. When voltage
current is applied to the tank. The resonating frequency will not be what the meter
Box is tuned to a solid block of continuos channels towards 10 with low SWR.
And full output. Always a little IMD. They r Sweep tubes you know.
On 11 meters of course. I got a feel for it after all these years. And a big box of Tank coils already made !
Simply copy the width number of turns of the original. LCR meter if you want to
succeed fast.
Your Tank is simpler. A PI network. Duck & Go IT Pilgrim !
Tuned input filter.
A PI-L instead of a PI. Perhaps a Sweep tube Amp might meet current FCC I.M.D.
requirements. I dont care anymore honestly. The Hams in my area use their Ham rigs
on CB. An FCC NoNo. I run my dirty Phantom 12 tuber in my new Platform. Yep.
They know when I am around. They think that Phantom is bad. The Maco two piece
go's in the car soon. With 11 N.O.S. M-2057. 13 volt DC fully regulated fillament
supply. A custom 4KVA high voltage supply. And like the D&A's. A relay switching the
HV plate supply in and out.
It can be fun if you learn the basics !