Well I have something to admit too, I’m not really Darth Vader, I know it’s a disappointment.
And while I’m telling the truth, I don’t have a real Death Star either, not even a real lightsaber.
But I am bent on world domination and ruling with an iron fist. Oh, and I did save a lot of money on my car insurance by switching to Geico.
Then whose Death Star did I tune up? Do you how hard it is to get corona discharge to focus up like that? I had to use my special stock of titanium/iridium corona igniters for that job. Now that I think about it, the guy did not know what cb radio was. So it wasn't you!
I'm also not a polar bear, My late wife nick named me "Bear" and I had a white motorcycle and she said when the bike and I were together We were Significa Gran Oso Polar Blanco
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