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Elimination of Spark: "It's the end of ham radio".

Novice Licenses: "It's the end of ham radio".

Incentive Licensing: "It's the end of ham radio".

5 wpm Extra: "It's the end of ham radio".

No Code: "It's the end of ham radio".

Whether one agrees with no code or not, new hams will have no choice but to receive their license without a code requirement The new hams had nothing to do with the rule change. It's a done deal. Now what needs to happen is the older Hams need to do some elmering of the new Hams and spark a desire to want more. That would help Ham radio. The degrading comments for those that enter after the rule change would be a sure fire way to kill this desire and hurt the growth of Amateur radio, and that will truly lead to the "end of ham radio".

As the saying goes, "It is not the class of license that the Amateur holds, but the class of the Amateur that holds the license."
Now Evryone knew it was coming
So whether one agrees or not....all knew it would happen..

So then......
is it right ?

Well if one wants to use code so be it
is not everyone saying how ham radio is Dying
does this not give far easier access to be able to gain HF access

oh i get it...
only those who know code are true hams

so what of those who have obtained licencing with needed 20 WPM
are they any better then those who hold Extra class with 5 WPM
ofcourse not

nither will those who obtain gneral and or extra without needing code

oh i get it..
many think those who gain access to HF frequencys without code....will be only those darn CBers (who used to be kept away from ham radio access to HF)..

well people manyif not most ham operators were from and or still are from CB

So what is the wrap up
is about time our country caught up to the rest of the world

Now let us put this behind us....and enjoy our soon to be gained
HF access

Happy Holidays and Happy New Years to All !!
W1R3T4P said:
paws264 said:

Moot point----->At one time code was an entry level requirement for Amateur Radio, now they will let anybody in who came memorize 71% of the answers in the question pool.

All of those "no-code" extras are gonna be sooooo special, I cannot wait, maybe another month(?).

By lowering the requirements, you cheapen the accomplishments of those worked to earn their license class.


Quit being so bitter, not everyone is as intelligent as you.

I am flattered and embarrassed at the same time, you really know how to remove the hot air out of a balloon. :oops:
W1R3T4P said:
The last thing ANYONE who knows code wants is someone
practicing on the CW freqs.

Ever try and copy an SSTV image from someone new to SSTV and does not know how to set up his sound card or program? :shock: That would apply to ANY digital mode as well. Same thing. It amounts to practicing on the air to get things set up. I still think if the requirement is dropped then the testing for it should be gone as well.
paws264 said:
W1R3T4P said:
paws264 said:

Moot point----->At one time code was an entry level requirement for Amateur Radio, now they will let anybody in who came memorize 71% of the answers in the question pool.

All of those "no-code" extras are gonna be sooooo special, I cannot wait, maybe another month(?).

By lowering the requirements, you cheapen the accomplishments of those worked to earn their license class.


Quit being so bitter, not everyone is as intelligent as you.

I am flattered and embarrassed at the same time, you really know how to remove the hot air out of a balloon. :oops:

QRN said:
W1R3T4P said:
The last thing ANYONE who knows code wants is someone
practicing on the CW freqs.

Ever try and copy an SSTV image from someone new to SSTV and does not know how to set up his sound card or program? :shock: That would apply to ANY digital mode as well. Same thing. It amounts to practicing on the air to get things set up. I still think if the requirement is dropped then the testing for it should be gone as well.

Morse code is still not the same thing.
It is very difficult for some people.

The only reason I suggested that there should be a test
would be to cool down the veteran amateurs.
It really does not matter to me if code is required or not, but it kinda makes you wonder why all the changes in the past 20 years or so ? Why make something easier ? This is happening with EVERYTHING. Driving, boating, cooking, opening are car doors, flying etc., When I was in pilot training many years ago we had to do spins and steep turns at a bank angle of 60 deg. Now days they don't do spins (you can in the right type of plane) and the steep turns at 45 deg. I wondered why they reduced the requirements, it was because there was a pilot shortage and that allowed more pilots to make it through. Having no code is going to get more hams on HF and allow the radio makers to sell more radios.

There will be four more steps;

1. No code for extra

2. Combining all classes (because it discriminates and or hurts the feelings of some hams that can't pass the harder test)

3. Instead of test there will be a fee that will be good for five years that allows you to use all the ham bands. This allows the government to make money.

4. Because of the problems associated with the pay-as-you go program "boot leggers" start showing up on the bands. The FCC fines some of these operators till one takes it to a higher court and finds it "unconstitutional" for the government to charge for something that is not theirs, so then a licsens is no longer required.

de AC5PS (20 WPM)
When I had my ticket, we learned on the straight key. Not the paddles or a computer doing the code for us.
The hobby has been DYING a slow death since the 80’s. Look at all of the tickets not being renewed. Ouch.
Now that is over look at this in a different way. This could bring the hobby into a new light. Remember when MA Bell got busted up, everyone bitched because of it, but look at it now, cell phones in everybody’s ear when driving, low rates when you dial a number,
constantly barraged by commercials trying to get you on their plan. You used to call the phone CO. to fix your phone for free now you pay through the nose to get it done.
Just a rant.
There will be an influx of new ham operators but will they stay in the hobby or die off when the newness wears off. Time will only tell. The people who have been on the radio for some time will probably stay at it and the newbie’s will go back to the video games and cell phones. Amateur radio was started as a teaching tool and to provide emergency communication throughout the world. This should not stop for one minute; our very lives could depend on it. For the coders, instead of whining about it you could be teachers of the code, we all need good teachers in our lives. You need to set a good example to the new radio operators and to show them the right way to do things and not be the bad guys, then it makes you look bad and so far you don’t need any help in this matter.
There will always be the band spectrum where the cw will prevail and that is where you can be the teachers. If you know someone who would like to learn code than teach them and be the knight in shining armor not the Troll under the bridge.
Ok I’m done ranting.
AK 2143
karo said:
I can't see what all the hoopla is about, all there is is a measly 200 kc's of frequency 28.300- 28.500, 20 channels in cb measurement.

It will be so f_ing crowded that no-one will be able to work it with any degree of pleasure.

Take into account that the propagation there is really no better than the 11 meter slot so the overflow from that will just make this 200 kc's an area for those who have really large amounts of power.

Looking forward to working the 10 meter super bowl.

I thought it would give Techs the privileges of General ?
no techs get tech plus privlages. to get general you need to pass the general test, its not to diffacult but code was easier for me to learn

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