I've experienced: "I need my CB radio peaked up, I bought it new.....and no one has been in it" As they look over your shoulder, I open it up only to find cracked/broken slugs (most common), diodes that have been clipped and re-soldered (looking for the right one), trimmers that have scratch marks on and around the slots......(metal screwdriver :roll: ) not to mention trying to explain about not clipping the modulation diode, resistor, or Q whatever (if it ain't bleeding 40 channels, it ain't getting out :roll: :roll: ) ....It got to the point that I sold most of my good test equipment (scope, signal generator,ect.). How many have heard " I'll pay ya the first of the month" then all of a sudden they become strangers. But there has been some that have asked "how much" I say 15 dollars, they hand me a 20 and tell me to keep the change......kinda rare though.