Do you guys think the tests have been "dumbed down" as stated earlier? If they have been, I must be really dumb because the material for the Extra Class is darn hard. 

Oh most certainly Joe...when I took General: 13 wpm CW...send/receive must be passed....No multiple choice question's and there were no study guides like today...only 400+ page study books and no published questions...
But WTH....the whole world has dumbed down...look at the school system in US and see where we rank Vs. the world....
Just the Nature of things....but I am not one to be one of those...."I passed it, so you should too"
kinda thingy's....
but the new proposal PMO that they would just give more than half of the General Class HF Phone away...instead of making the test different and going from there...but another subject...
All the Best
Do you guys think the tests have been "dumbed down" as stated earlier? If they have been, I must be really dumb because the material for the Extra Class is darn hard.![]()
So you pass your extra exam. You receive a CSCE that says you are an extra. Now if you want to be an extra that's up to you. If you want to all but design and built your next radio that's up to you. If you want to pursue CW proficiency that's up to you. If you want to add all that has gone before you as well as chase the bleeding edge of technology that is up to you.
If all you want is to memorize the 742 question pool and have access to the additional bandwidth as an appliance operator that too is up to you.
Don't get me wrong the material is difficult but compared to other technical challenges in my life not impossible.
Just what does "dumbed down" really mean ?............
To me dumbed down is la azy and incorrect observation of the changes to the exam content.
The exams have changed with the times but the basic information is still there.
If all you want is to memorize the 742 question pool and have access to the additional bandwidth as an appliance operator that too is up to you.
The Numbers:
This petition would grant (380,000) present license holders of the US Technician Class (as of 4.7.2018) these privileges...
50% of the US General Class Phone Band on 80 meters
60% of the US General Class Phone Band on 40 meters
67% of the US General Class Phone Band on 15 meters
Not a ham here so I don't have a horse in this race, just observations from an outsider looking in. Take this with a grain of salt.
I think it would be good for the hobby to let Tech class operators get a taste of more of the bands but those numbers look way to high to me, it does seem like they're gutting the incentive to upgrade. This change but with significantly lower percentages would probably be healthy for the hobby in the long term, just enough to get operators hooked on HF and make them want to upgrade for more.
In a nutshell this looks to me like a good idea implemented very poorly.
~sniop... The problem is that standards are not being kept up regardless of any technological changes to equipment.
Again , my fear is that the expiration of the current technician pool and being replaced by a "do you have a detectable pulse" pool , in combination with with enhanced HF privileges for technicians is a potential disaster.
See CK? we're probably not that far apart opinion wise. We just come to it differently.
The term is neither lazy nor ignorant. Dumbing down is simply the reduction of requirements to the point where it becomes almost impossible to fail. It stems from the days when the "dumb"people (those that did not study) failed whereas now they can pass with flying colours.
Yes but now less and less of that basic information is required to pass the exam.
And they will become part of the problem operators on the air. Not all mind you but a LOT will. With things from the requirement for proper operating procedures to knowing how to adjust your ALC so you are not splattering across the band not being a requirement to any extent whatsoever today, these operators QRM the bands needlessly and when it gets mentioned to them the response is often to go piss off because the FCC says they have passed the requirements to be on the air. The problem is that standards are not being kept up regardless of any technological changes to equipment.
Not everyone likes cw....They ALREADY have privileges on those bands just not on phone. They can use CW on those bands now. Learn a little and upgrade a lot I say.
Not everyone likes cw....