A few days ago I was talking to bob85 about the Vector antenna and the ability to steer where the signal goes in freespace models. The Astroplane patent also refers to this concept, so I am looking to put that to the test.
Astroplane Patent said:
It will be observed that conductors 16 and 18 flare outwardly and downwardly. Their relative diameters and the spacing of them from each other and from the mast, as well as the flare, controls the impedance at c, d (FIG. This impedance preferably is 50 ohms in accordance with the typical construction described and for CB use. However, the diameters of the parts, the spacing and the flare may be varied to obtain either different impedances or the same impedance via variance of diameters, spacing and flare in a manner that will be understood by those skilled in the art for the antenna to operate most efficiently.
It has been found, however, that the flare affects not only the impedance, but also influences the takeoff angle at maximum signal strength. The flare of the construction descrihed hereinafter provides a takeoff angle that is about the maximum reasonably allowable for most efficient CB use of this antenna. When the flare was omitted and the conductors 16 and 18 were tested parallel to the first conductor 14 it was found that the takeoff angle at maximum signal strength was as much as to below the horizontal. Although for certain uses, such a downward tilt may be desirable, it appears that the optimum disposition of conductors l6 and 18 lies between the parallel positioning of straight conductors 16 and 18 and the flared positioning of flared conductors 16 and 18 with respect to the conductor 14, as described in conjunction with the specific embodiment illustrated in the drawings.
So according to the patent, changing the diameter of the ring, and the adjusting the elements that support the ring to compensate, you can change the "take off angle" of this antenna. In reality, the "take off angle" will not change as in the presence of an earth the earth and the height of the antenna above said earth are what actually controls said "take off angle". However, is it possible to control the antenna's angle of radiation before the earth is in play? The quote above from the patent suggests that this is a possibility.
To start with, we model the Astroplane antenna in freespace.
Here we can see that peak gain is actually at a downward angle. When it comes to local communications, this would be a benefit as it is pushing its signal down towards the earth, instead of straight out or angled upwards like many other antennas.
In one model I added five inches to the ring radius, and in another I made the radius 5 inches shorter. I did some modeling of ring sizes within this range as well, but those are not shown here. Here is a comparison of the three models.
The sr model (in green) used the smaller ring, and the lr model (in blue) used the larger ring.
As we can see, the results are very similar, even with such a large change to the ring diameter. This likely is because the ring does not carry much current, and includes a current null as well. Because of this it takes a larger change to to this area of the antenna to affect the radiation pattern of the antenna than if a current node or higher current was present on said portion of the antenna.
I was able to achieve said RF steering with these changes, however, as we see their isn't much of a difference. Adding five inches to the radius was able to steer peak gain up by one degree, and removing five inches from the radius was able to steer peak gain down by a degree. On its own I would say that such a large change to the antennas dimensions for such a small change when it comes to the radiation pattern on makes this, as far as rf steering goes, a pointless endeavor. However, that is not all that is in effect in these models.
The larger ring, in addition to steering rf up a degree, also increased the antenna's peak gain. This change in gain was enough that despite the angle of peak gain being further away from a desired angle pointing further down for local contacts, their is actually more gain pointed at said lower angles.
That was definitely not what I expected.
This is a preliminary result, however, it is suggesting that using a larger ring, and shortening the elements that connect said ring to the antenna to compensate, actually increases both the local and DX potential of this antenna.
Anyone want to try this out with a real world test?
The DB