I posted a private question to Moleculo and he suggested I get it into forum. I've read the posts already about throwing the ATAS 120 out the window and have filed them away as possible "I told you so's from others". Before I do the copy and paste, here's the update. The ATAS 120 has been installed and the rolled flashing isn't quite done since I ran out. The antenna is tuning fine on all but 40m. The other glitch in my plan of using two AB Switches one to switch from the LDG-100 Tuner and ATAS-120 and the other AB Switch switching from a Solarcon A99 outside and 10-80 trapped dipole in the attic too. Bouncing back and forth to the tuner and the ATAS-120 is a smooth transition since setting keep having to be changed. The configuration I'm shooting for is to match my pickup install, FT857 with AB Switch to the ATAS-120 and to a 75m Hamstick thats tuned. I'm open for any advice and suggestion (besides tossing the Yaesu screwdriver I've heard that one)
Here's the post:
I know the ATAS 120 has taking several bashings, but I've been using one on my pickup for about 4 years and its worked great. Only time I take it off is when I go through a car wash or take the truck in for service. There are five of us hams that have a yearly competition on DX for distance. Only three of us are really throwing blows (friendly) at each other. Two of those have tall trees and yards and it drives them crazy I keep beating them out sitting in my pickup with the 857 and 120. Every few months they are doing something different, different antenna, higher up into the nosebleed tops of the trees, and they still can't top my Antartica contact on 15m. I've been toying around the house with something that can rival my pickup because sitting in it on cold winter nights by the side of the house isn't so fun. Here at the house I added that trapped dipole thats zigzagged all over my attic (I have an 857 in the house too), and it does ok on 40 and 80 not as well as my truck though. I also have a 75m Ham Stick on the truck with a switch. A few months back I put up a Solarcon A99, at the advice of my competition since they both have one up and its been ok but I'm pushing the envelope in the neighbor hood and have heard comments. Again my pickup smokes it hands down, if there is a DX station or a state I need and I'm not making the trip I run to the truck and usually make the QSO. Sorry about the long drawn out story here, but here's the wrap up. I bought another ATAS 120 for my attic and this is my plan. The open attic that I have to work with is only about 20 x 25. I planned to mount a quad electical j-box to ceiling joist (bottom chord of the truss) just about over my radio in my shack (3rd bedroom office) on the 2nd floor. The base connector will poke up through the j-box and I'll fan out 12" wide rolled galvanized roof flashing is all directions (about 6) to get lengths out as far as possible. The ATAS can extend it full length without contact to the peak and I have nothing but a half dozen small attic vents placed along one side of the peak. One piece of rolled metal may be able to stretch out to a rather inaccessible area over our master bedroom to a length of almost 40'. I haven't quite figured the grounding yet, my YT-100 is grounded to the house copper strung through attic. I'm powering my radio through a Powergate PG40 connected to a Yaesu PS and a 54Ah sealed battery. I pounded in 1/2" 6' copper rod but haven't punched a hole through the wall to drop wire to it yet. No pretty way to get there but on the exterior surface. The holes patchable I guess, if I sell the place.
Here's the post:
I know the ATAS 120 has taking several bashings, but I've been using one on my pickup for about 4 years and its worked great. Only time I take it off is when I go through a car wash or take the truck in for service. There are five of us hams that have a yearly competition on DX for distance. Only three of us are really throwing blows (friendly) at each other. Two of those have tall trees and yards and it drives them crazy I keep beating them out sitting in my pickup with the 857 and 120. Every few months they are doing something different, different antenna, higher up into the nosebleed tops of the trees, and they still can't top my Antartica contact on 15m. I've been toying around the house with something that can rival my pickup because sitting in it on cold winter nights by the side of the house isn't so fun. Here at the house I added that trapped dipole thats zigzagged all over my attic (I have an 857 in the house too), and it does ok on 40 and 80 not as well as my truck though. I also have a 75m Ham Stick on the truck with a switch. A few months back I put up a Solarcon A99, at the advice of my competition since they both have one up and its been ok but I'm pushing the envelope in the neighbor hood and have heard comments. Again my pickup smokes it hands down, if there is a DX station or a state I need and I'm not making the trip I run to the truck and usually make the QSO. Sorry about the long drawn out story here, but here's the wrap up. I bought another ATAS 120 for my attic and this is my plan. The open attic that I have to work with is only about 20 x 25. I planned to mount a quad electical j-box to ceiling joist (bottom chord of the truss) just about over my radio in my shack (3rd bedroom office) on the 2nd floor. The base connector will poke up through the j-box and I'll fan out 12" wide rolled galvanized roof flashing is all directions (about 6) to get lengths out as far as possible. The ATAS can extend it full length without contact to the peak and I have nothing but a half dozen small attic vents placed along one side of the peak. One piece of rolled metal may be able to stretch out to a rather inaccessible area over our master bedroom to a length of almost 40'. I haven't quite figured the grounding yet, my YT-100 is grounded to the house copper strung through attic. I'm powering my radio through a Powergate PG40 connected to a Yaesu PS and a 54Ah sealed battery. I pounded in 1/2" 6' copper rod but haven't punched a hole through the wall to drop wire to it yet. No pretty way to get there but on the exterior surface. The holes patchable I guess, if I sell the place.