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Attention Sirio Gain-master Owners


Jun 17, 2009
Southeast Ohio
I finally got up the energy and assembled my Gain-Master today. I weatherproofed the coupling of the radiator, but was wondering if there would be any advantage to sealing the fiberglass joints. probably not, just thought I'd check with others. Hopefully, I'll have it up in a day or two. have to wait on my helper to get free time.

This is why they tell you to tape or seal the internal coax connector that attaches the upper wire harness. All of the other connections are already sealed with the heat shrink tubing that has the hot glue inside it. Just seal that connector and let the water that may get inside the fiberglass drain out the hole they put in the bottom. Good luck with the install.
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I finally got up the energy and assembled my Gain-Master today. I weatherproofed the coupling of the radiator, but was wondering if there would be any advantage to sealing the fiberglass joints. probably not, just thought I'd check with others. Hopefully, I'll have it up in a day or two. have to wait on my helper to get free time.

The big thing is that you leave a little slack in the wire when you install the tip fitting, just like instructions suggest. This will allow the antenna to bend a lot in the wind without it ripping this set screw tip connector apart and possibly allowing the wire to come loose at the top.

Forget worrying about water. Just tape up or shrink wrap both connectors like SW suggested, and you should be fine. Mine has been up almost two years now and has seen some very strong winds. I've checked the match, when the wind was blowing strong, and I did not see on bit of variation indicated on the meter. I did put some Cross Device's made Teflon paste called "Stuf" in the coax connector to help ward off water getting into the feed line as much as possible, and my experience tells me "Stuf" really works, is not a mess, and disassembles nicely. See catalog: www.aesham.com

Forget about trying to seal the tubing. Water gets in and it gets out at the bottom.
I left the required slack in the top section, but I still have a gut feeling that it needs more. I have and use "stuf" on all my outdoor connections, it's a great product.

I just want this antenna to work well the first time. I don't want to take it down anytime soon.

Thanks for input. I'll probably obsess and fidget with the slack and concentrate on a good waterproof feed point before I raise her.
42, when I put my GM together, I wondered what the slack was all about and if I did the idea correctly. Then I had the thought for what might happen if the antenna was bent over to the extreme, and it dawned on me, that would require some slack in order to survive. Make sure the set screw in the tip plug is nice and tight.

If this is the case, then it is probably better to make the top section a little shorter rather than a little longer, the wire will remain the same length.

This is what I did.
I rechecked everything today. I'm glad I did, when I checked the top retainer I was able to turn the allen screw another 3/4 turn. I must have been weak last night. The instructions say to stretch the top section then return 1-1.5 cm. I made it a little over an inch. They even mention to guy the center sections if you live in a high wind or ice prone area. It's not practical for me to guy it, so it will just have to sway and survive.

We do have high winds at times and have typical Ohio winters.

Oh well.
It's up

Got the Gain-Master up today. I did a quick scan with my analyzer. This thing has some stupid bandwidth. I will do a curve later, but no tuner needed on 10 thru 11 meters.

The base is at 38'. It's gonna stay there cause i felt 2 popping, grinding sounds in my right shoulder as I was erecting it. It's a little tender.
Love it

I use my sirio G/M for 1 year now and i love it (y), i used the A99 and imax 2000 but the sirio G/M i got from it agood reports , i test it today with 750w watt ssb and it work fine .

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