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audio distortion


Jul 20, 2009
upstate ny
kind of new to the amplifier thing. Just hooked up my new worldwide mf440 and if i turn the amp up past half way my audio distorts. SWR is perfect the radio is stock if i turn the rf power down from 4watts to 1.5 as low as it goes (on radio) it seams to get beter. Gets better with mic gain turned down also. Am I overdriveing the amp overmodulateing? Running a wilson 5000 perminant mount. I would think i should be able to turn it up past half way?:headbang

Every search and link I try does not work. What's the story on the amp? What class and how many finals? Off hand I would say your putting too much dead key into it. A simple peak and tune of your radio will really help the amp perform better too.
I've read on other forums that AMPOWER has purchased that line of amplifiers. Unfortunately he isn't a member here or he might be able to help out on this one.

For now though, the information 9C1Driver requested would certainly help.
I doubt your audio is what's distorting. With a typical CB amplifier, the whole RF signal often distorts, producing splatter and other unpleasantness. This happens when the amplifier is driven too hard. Back everything down; don't exceed what the amplifier can handle.
I turned the radio down as low as it will go 1.5 watts would not think that is overdriveing it iv heard of people driveing them with another amp the radio has bean tuned. I'm also going by what people are telling me over the air some say it sounds good others say it sounds like crap. i heard the owner of worldwide got in a car accident
Just going by what you've told us I have to agree with 'Beetle', sounds like you're over driving that amplifier. That's fairly common when reports say the audio is distorted, at least one of the things to check. If things improve when the drive is turned down I'd have to think that's what's happening.
Since an amplifier can only amplify what it's fed, are you sure your audio barefoot isn't distorted? Any complaints in that regard without the amplifier on?
If you can rule out those two possibilities, then I think you'd have a good reason to suspect something else 'not right' with the amplifier.
I don't know anything about your amplifier specifically, but most solid state amplifiers just don't require much drive at all. A completely stock CB radio shouldn't over drive one much, if at all.
Did you get that amplifier new, or used? Either way I don't think I'd believe the output power claims completely, a little 'salt' is always a good idea there. And if it was used when you got it, was any part of it made 'better' by the previous owner, maybe?
It wouldn't hurt to have it looked at by someone who knows what they are doing.
Good luck.
- 'Doc
bought amp new few months back just hoocked it up with new belden cables don't know what class amp is like i said i'm new to the amp thing. radio barefoot sounds awsome my mobile to my fathers mobile we get abought 20 miles betwean us and it sounds awsome no distortion amp sounds good and loud on low as long as i dont turn it past half way swrs are all good everything is grounded with heavy wire. maybe haveing the radio sent out and turned down more would help?
its a 1 driving 4 amp . put a power meter on it and tell us what its doing .
its probally advertised as 1000 watt amp , but those final four 2879s are only 100 watt pep devices .

i wouldnt push them past 600 watts myself to try to stay somewhat clean , but then that defeats the whole purpose of having a class C amp .
i'll put a watt meter on it when i get home tonight. was advertised as 440 watt low end and when you crank it up 850. so if im turning it up its turning up the single pill to drive the other 4 pills correct. what im doing then is over driveing the amp with the first pill?
am i understanding you correctly booty monster you want to crank it up and get some distortion:confused1:
How much power does the radio your using do and what kind is it?

I bet that the modulation limiter has been clipped in the radio and that is whats causing this. Have someone look to see if it has. If so then have it put back in and set for no more than 100% modulation. I bet that will take care of your problem!

Dont run the key down to 1.5 watts. If your running a really low key into the amp with a boat load of swing, with the amp on ( swing from say 100 watts to 850 ) then that will cause it to sound like trash as well,BIG TIME!!! I would set the key at 3 to 4 watts and see if that clears it up. Remember that the the old saying...."you need a long of swing to get out.....is a bunch of crap!

I can run my Mosfet Cobra 29 down to 1.5 watts ( swing to 40 watts ) and with the amp on it sounds like total shiz. Set it on 4 to 5 watts and its as clean as can be. And no you will NOT blow the amp up running it with a 4 to 5 watt key. My 5 pill has been in my car for over 5 years at that setting and still runs like new...........and i hammer the hell out of the amp every day!
the radio is galaxy dx949 bought the radio brand new from copper electronics and hade it alligned the modulation limiter as far as i know was not clipped. i run an external frequency counter and it is tuned right on the money. I'v bean running around 3 watts into amp the modulation meter on the radio does swing past 100% if the mic gain is cranked up. i turned the mic gain down so it dont and still if i turn the amp past half way it distorts. running dad key of 2 watts and amp halfway up dead keys at abought 250 and swings to abought 600 crank it up dead keys at abought 500 swings to abought 800 or so. before installing linear swr was almost 1:1 match with amp installed runs 1.4:1 withamp off on radio side. withamp on runs1.2:1 or so. after the amp with it on it runs over three to one i was told to disregard the reading after the amp for the antena is already tuned to the "vehicle".
my question would be is do you have enough amps to run it.. i bet not. Which is why once you turn it up over half power it sounds "muffled" or "compressed". I would say you're starving it for some DC amps..not over driving it with watts...How big is your alt? Im surprised no one has brought that up, but what do i know im just a 6kw mud duck :unsure:
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