I am trying to upload some photos so you can see the materials of which the antenna at the hub and lower is made. They are non-conductive PVC. The actual bottom of the main vertical is at the top of the coil. Even with the coil gone on my QuasiV4k, the vertical is still that high above the hub. That is roughly 4" above the attachment points for the bottom of the gamma, and 3" above the bottoms of the 4 radials.
My gamma is attached to the outside of the 4" hub. The radials are attached to the outside of the 2" portion of the hub. This puts radials at their closest about 1/2" from the exterior side of the main aerial, and the gamma about 1 1/2" from the main vertical.. I could be wrong, but I see my job is to move these connections up the main aerial of the antenna as the original is, and to try to copy the spacings more closely as you suggested were influential. What I need to know is whether the bottom of the radials are grounded to the main aerial, and whether the bottom of the gamma is isolated from it. The diagrams are not particular about that as they are for assembling rather than explanation.
These are photos from when I was redoing the 5/8 after an ice storm.The coil is gone from the antenna now. The bottom of the gamma is attached to the center of the coax connector, and the four radials are fed by the coax shield being attached to the outside of the PVC hub.
My gamma is attached to the outside of the 4" hub. The radials are attached to the outside of the 2" portion of the hub. This puts radials at their closest about 1/2" from the exterior side of the main aerial, and the gamma about 1 1/2" from the main vertical.. I could be wrong, but I see my job is to move these connections up the main aerial of the antenna as the original is, and to try to copy the spacings more closely as you suggested were influential. What I need to know is whether the bottom of the radials are grounded to the main aerial, and whether the bottom of the gamma is isolated from it. The diagrams are not particular about that as they are for assembling rather than explanation.
These are photos from when I was redoing the 5/8 after an ice storm.The coil is gone from the antenna now. The bottom of the gamma is attached to the center of the coax connector, and the four radials are fed by the coax shield being attached to the outside of the PVC hub.
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