Interesting thought. Being the Gamma Match is capacitive, I presume an inductor would throw your phase reverse of where you need it for the Vector 4000 phased collinear design to function correctly.
I also had an horrendous thought;
The Sirio Gain-Master is a center-fed, capacitive coupled radiator, 5/8 dipole,
what if one were to take a...
Jo Gunn Pistol
...a gamma-fed, center-fed ½ wave dipole (read DC grounded Starduster) and insulated the radiator from DC ground along with extending the radiator & radials each to 5/16 wave, then adjusted the Gamma for ~zero reactance, (adding a cmc choke & 1:1 balun) shouldn't that function similarly to the new Sirio Gain-Master center-fed 5/8?
- Just a thought :blink:
I just wanted to mention to everyone NOT to buy that Jo Gunn pistol. You would be hard pressed to find a base antenna that would perform worse then this junk. That antenna has it's primary lobe at an elevation angle of 45 degrees and is useless for putting a signal on the horizon. It's sharp angle is also ineffective for good skywave propagation. For them to bring this antenna to market indicates that no gain testing was done whatsoever.