Returning to the hobby after a misadventure.
My station this time around:
The antenna is a Buddistick mini coil (10-20 meters), their lightweight shock-cord antenna (10.5') and a single wire radial (17.5') going to an electric fence post (have to look close). The red mast is a work light stand from Lowes. The bright green Dixie cup is a rain guard. SWR rises with sprinklers or rain when using an exposed coil. Hanging out on 20 meters. SWR is:
1.31 @ 14.150
1.22 @ 14.250
1.29 @ 14.350
Time for supper.
My station this time around:
The antenna is a Buddistick mini coil (10-20 meters), their lightweight shock-cord antenna (10.5') and a single wire radial (17.5') going to an electric fence post (have to look close). The red mast is a work light stand from Lowes. The bright green Dixie cup is a rain guard. SWR rises with sprinklers or rain when using an exposed coil. Hanging out on 20 meters. SWR is:
1.31 @ 14.150
1.22 @ 14.250
1.29 @ 14.350
Time for supper.