Well I did want to advise you on some of the many quirks I've seen across my desk that not too many people seem to know about - and that is an issue with instability of the audio amp in these radios.
Although several "theories" have been tossed about thru the years as to the squeal onto the whine and why they tend to happen - I've seem to be able to fix specific ones - like that which I eluded to in the VID, which deals more with ground currents, open loop gains and the substrate to packaging and the sheer gain of the amplifier inside it (open loop) and it's use of op amps nearly exclusively and lack of details for us to figure out the reason for it.

The MB3710 is what I'm talking about - if you have a datasheet for it - hold onto it - it's gold...
You know you're going to be in trouble when the only "CLOSE ENOUGH" service manual uses the uPC1156 Audio Amp chip...
I enclosed the UHIC-005 chip for the technically curious)
The amp (3710) is the Fujitsu entry to compete against the likes of uPC 1156, Toshibas' 7222ap and the Korean Electronics Company (KEC) (Cobra users take note) 7217AP chips - all of them exhibit some form of instability due to their designs and notably the nearly universal use of a specific type of Tantalum and it's values to offset the inverted input (Audio in).

IT (Adams) also had the a famous Clipper compressor design that Unit 399 goes into more detail about on his website...
You can find that here...
In a Cobra 19 plus the KTA7217 chip used the same Tantalum idea but with a 47 ~100 ohm resistor thru the years. IF I know the user was going to use a power mike I usually sub in the higher resistor value to offset the gain of the internal amp and it's chain. It also improved the tonal bandwidth just enough to offset the lack of gain you got from the swap. And if they were to use it with power mic - I would also have to "kill" the power feed to the mic line from the Radio - as it used a "Grey Key mic" and so that told he rest of us that it had an Electret Condensor element and any attempts to use a Dynamic mic will be met with Captain Oblivious' Cruddy Performance Certificate.
But to get back to that cap - there was also the problem of the bootstrap or bypass the amplifier had used and the quality as well as the values of the Electrolytics had to be considered and used accordingly. You can't use an Electrolytic - the best results were from the Tantalums and low values exclusively. 4/7uF at 6.3 volts was also a required replacement for many of those chips - else the gain factor made them squeal even when other types and voltage rated ones were used.
For RX squeal even with SQ on? C89 is what I'm referring to - so if you use LARGER values DON"T - if you can accept the performance of a smaller value or if you get pushed to the wall over needed replacement subs - the better way to go is to use smaller (Lesser) values to reduce the open loop gain problems in both RF and TX problems.
Thanks to Nomad for the help he's given this site and for his efforts on other sites...