You might want to rethink the polarity thing, as most 2m activity that will use a yagi will be horizontal. Put it right and ad a J-Pole and you will have both local and distance covered.
I do not have SSB, AM, or CW capabilities.
Everybody around here uses verticals.
So rather than cutting the signal strength in half, I'd rather just run what everybody else is running.
I live in the middle of nowhere, I don't think a J-pole would get me out that far on 10w.
I'm more interested in hitting repeaters in Grand Rapids, Holland, or South Bend more than anything else. Maybe Chicago on a good day.
Although the signal-plane problem that HiDef brought up, might make me run horizontal just for that reason...
If you leave the 2 meter antenna vertical make up a mount to put the entire antenna out in front of the mast. That mast is currently in the same plane as your elements and will ruin the antenna pattern.
When you start adding more mast and you will it can be guyed to the four corners of the roof. That will make the installation very strong. I'd suggest losing that slip together 16 guage mast and using chain link fence top rail instead.
The guy wires WILL most definately effect your wire antenna and must be insulated every so many feet. I forget the length for 80 - 10 meters. Ecectric fence or ceramic insulators can be used. The mast in the tripod will now develop a lot of vertical thrust. You might try using some sort of gizmo placed on the peak of the roof for that load to get it off the tripod. Bring the mast all the way down through the tripod. Just use he tripod clamps to keep the mast from twisting.
The wire antenna should have it's feedpoint as high as you can afford. The ends can be slightly lower. I see trees. Use the trees Luke.
Ever try a Jack Nicholson impression? Just asking.
Damn, that was on the edge of my mind. I'm still new to antenna theory, but yeah, I was thinking of that. I may just end up running it horizontal. That 5-element beam is all aluminum. It's quite a bit of weight. I don't think I'd trust sticking the entire thing off one side of the mast.
Yeah, I was considering using a cut down piece of EMT conduit as a mast. I don't really trust the fence-post pipe, it's not always welded completely.
Each piece of guy-wire is 25 ft long. 27 ft is regarded as a "non-resonant length". We'll see how badly it affects my SWR. If it does, I'll go ahead and add some insulators to help "break it up" a bit. The tripod is lag-bolted through the roof with 3/8 lag bolts, into 2x4s. I don't think it's going anywhere. :blushing:
The guy-wire is 3/16", which is rated for 3700 lbs. Each eyelet-bolt is going into a roof stud. So yeah, I think I'm covered.
For the dipole, you're suggesting the feedpoint "be in the trees".
So are you saying I should run an inverted vee?
Or run the signal wire straight across, then slope the ground wire down?
"Hi, I've got an appointment with Mr. Ullman. My name is Jack Torrance. "