Well Donald, I know that is your opinion, and I do find things using Eznec that I don't understand and can't explain, but I'm not nearly as categorical about Eznec being riddled with inaccuracies as you.
My model of the Vector shows almost the same maximum current at the top 1/2 wave current maximum with 500 watts input as the CST model does, and I don't think if the model was riddled with errors...we would see my Vector manifest this same value at the CST current maximum which is clearly noted in the animated image you posted. I ran similar scans on several of my other high gain CB models, and I find every one showing differences that we don't see in my presentation above.
As I read the Sirio tech sheet for the Gain Master the other day I saw where the power was set at 500 watts. I tried doing that on the Vector model, and if you bothered to check my evidence you will clearly see where the amps/meter was almost the same...for my model as noted in the animated image you posted at 2.37 amps/m. That does not smack of errors to me.
EZNEC is perfectly accurate at modeling the Sigma as a 1/2 wave. I never said anything that should make you think the error in EZNEC had anything to do with the currents in the upper 1/2 wave. Why would you even be looking here when I said dozens of times EZNEC is dead wrong about the cone?
Respectfully I think you look here to only pick and choose the facts and figures you see that support you beliefs concerning Eznec. Donald, did you ever consider that you could be wrong about Eznec?
Don't put your shoe on my foot Marconi. It don't fit. I'm may be the only one you'll ever meet that has conclusive proof that EZNEC mistakenly identifies the Sigma as a 1/2 wave based on the phasing network it requires to add another 1/2 wave element. You don't understand that concept so you revert back to what is a useless piece of software. Why don't you present what I'm saying to Henry? I'm fairly confident he will understand that to build a working collinear phase delay, you must identify all of the radiation currents below the delay first. Without that knowledge there is no way to bring the top into phase with the bottom.
You need to understand this concept desperately to move on. Nothing screams louder that EZNEC is garbage when used on the Sigma design more than it mistakenly adding 100% extra length in a collinear phase delay. This completely proves EZNEC calls the Sigma a 1/2 wave. The fact it really requires 90 degrees of phase shift, completely proves the antenna has developed a significant in phase radiation current over a 270 degree or 3/4 wavelength radiator. If you don't get this, STOP EVERYTHING until you do. You'll never understand if you don't.
That little piece of proof is so powerful to those who understand it that it stopped Roy from conversing with me about the subject dead in his tracks. He tried to convince me I must have made a mistake in calculating the electrical length of my phase delay in the field test. When I told him it was just a folded wire with a complete length of 1/4 wavelength he never responded. There is no wiggle room in this type of phase delay like in some helically wound coil designs. What it measures physically is what it is electrically within a very tinny percentage and never off by 100% like EZNEC is.
If you can't respond to this or at least tell me you are going to seek help understanding what I'm talking about, I'll just be comfortable letting you make the same mistake EZNEC does on the Sigma and call it a 1/2 wave. Show us your want to learn is as big as your want to be right and I'll be impressed. For your own benefit, if you believe Henry has CST ask him for help because he's about the only one who might be able to help you understand.
If he builds an accurate model of the NV4K in CST it could only reproduce the same video you've not taken seriously for the last 2 years. Yes, he will have access to the tabulated data at this point but if you think it will be anything other than in full agreement with its video representation, you're fooling yourself.
Think about what you reminded of the other day, when you told me that Sirio makes the "Coaxial J-Pole" notation in their specs, and that was done solely out of convenience, or for some long standing tradition.
I think you and Bob both found that use of the statement offensive as though it is untrue. IMO I think you just decided to NOT argue the reference as though if wasn't there...basically saying that it don't mean anything.
I think you forget how many years Sirio has been making the Sigma IV design in Europe and that they had it named years before CST was invented. We have the new Vector because of CST and if they had the chance to pick the name for the first time again today, it might be different. That's as far as I'll go with opinion.
I think the idea is perfectly appropriate for a general description, and that is why I believe the bottom cone radiates minimally and that is based on how and what I see in my Eznec model. That said, I also see the same in your CST model.
If you think CST agrees you need to stop ignoring post #71 with respect to breaking the field strength down into units so you could understand. I knew you missed the entire thing as soon as you didn't read what each of the four units divided by the 5 lines represented. Sadly that's about as simple as any of this is going to get so there has to be something like denial blocking your ability to proceed here.
This has to be another assumption, because no where does Sirio state this fact and we don't see it noted in the image.
Back in those days when Shakespeare was a big dog selling CB antennas, that collinear idea came out about the advent of the CB version of the 5/8 wave antenna too. Would you say the 5/8 wave is also a collinear, because it also shows a smaller portion of the bottom of the monopole being out of phase with the top 1/2 wave radiator...
Absolutely not! In order to use the term "Collinear" in good faith the antenna must contain more than one source of significant radiation that combine constructively in the far field to produce more gain. Not simply extending a free standing radiator to the point where phase inverts. Collinears must deal with this issue of phase correction that you ignore because EZNEC tricked you.
or do we see a destructive result there also due to cancellation.
The destructive result is not due to the same type of effect in the Sigma. The only part cancellation plays in the deconstructive currents on the 5/8 wave groundplane are in the far field. When the lower 1/8 wave that is out of phase combines with the upper 1/2 wave. Shielding action is the primary confinement method in the cone of the Sigma. That why the Vector with 4 radials has more gain on the distant horizon than the 3 radial Sigma that I think you were using for tests.
If the main effect in the cone were cancellation of equal but opposite currents, it would not change with the ratio of elements. Cancellation of equal but opposite currents only requires equal lengths of parallel transmission line. This effect can be accomplished with as little as one radial. The Sigma design drops to unity gain with a skewed pattern similar to a J-pole when you do this.
CBr's have been know to buy anything that used buzz words to peak their interest. We use to call these claims "fish bait" when I was in the CB business back in its heyday.
All modeling needs follow up testing, just like Sirio does with their in house testing facility. You keep trying to conflate these two tools. CST may well be technically way ahead of Eznec, because it is designed for the professional. Roy also has a version of Eznec for the professional I think, but I'm not sure about all the differences.
It's not me trying to "conflate" CST with field results. That is the result of what testing in a scientific manner produces in this case. The fact the two can be combined simply means they are in agreement with each other. The fact I can prove EZNEC ignores 1/4 wavelength of effective radiation through phase delay experiments in collinear prototypes debunks EZNEC more then Roy wanted to hear about too.
You told us the story about your lack of success with Eznec, and your idea for the Dominator was jeopardized because of your use of Eznec, right? I believe your story, and as I recall that seems to go back in time some 15 years ago, right?
CST looks to have started up around 2008 at trade shows with their new animated or simulated antenna design ideas, right? If you were using Eznec 15 years ago to design and test your Dominator idea, and you didn't get the right results until you had a redesign using CST, then what does that suggest happened with you antenna design all the years before CST came on the scene?
Are you serious Marconi???????????????????????????? Do you read anything I have posted in direct respect to this question you have to ask again? You're not respectful at all when you don't read and twist your misconception into implying I've lied. Now I'm taking it personal because you're acting ignorant again in the same exact way. Please take a quote from any post I've made that says anything close to the words you just fabricated here.
Anyone who has followed this knows where and when the first mention of the CST models originated. They know that came about when Sirio published the CST data for the new GM about 2 years ago. As soon as I saw the CST model for the GM I had to know if they ever used this powerful software to model the Vector design. The response was an email back with the first photo that I posted here the same day.
So eager to share with you guys that I forgot to brand the image so the thieves would find it and copy it like all the other material on the company website. One of the site moderators provided the info needed to get that updated here.
I told you that EZNEC screwed up my accuracy in drawings filed with the PTO (Patent and Trademark Office) with regards to the collinear phasing. That this took place what has to be at least 2 winters ago when I filed based on the EZNEC results and had not built a prototype for field testing.
Later that spring when the prototype was tested I had to rip out 1/4 wavelength of phase delay or the equivalent of 8 feet conductor on this band to see gain over the stock antenna. Once again that is 100% proof that EZNEC is ignoring the magnitude of in phase radiation emitted from the cone.
I do agree times and ideas do change over time in the minds of men, but I show you what and why I believe what I think. You show what and why you believe what you think...isn't that fair for men to do?
You're asking me to change the rules of physics, doing so will prove me wrong and you right. That is not logical Donald. I just showed you evidence for what and how I see what I think. If you don't understand that then ask me some questions. I asked you about your new sill image of the CST pattern with the lines. We talked about it, but just didn't get any where yet.
Very little of what you have misconstrued has been fair Marconi. I'm questioning if you're of sound mind to have reached some of these conclusions. How much time do you want to waste by asking to see the proof when you don't understand the proof and think your opinion is valid instead? I'm tired of the way you hijack sound logic combined with scientific method and replace it with your opinion.
Don't just look at the new image, read post #71 so you know what the lines mean. Do you think I just posted a picture without any explaination? We don't get anywhere because you keep your breaks on all throughout the learning process and keep saying "look what I found, look what I found". All the while you're using software that can't teach you a damn thing about this antenna to drag the forum through the same nonsense again.
Could you try and describe that image again in some different words maybe. I would like to fully understand what you see. Hey Bob, I think you made a comment about that new image, but it was more like tongue in cheek, and was not very descriptive. Why don't you try and describe what you see in that image. If we can't still talk about this idea...then who will talk about it. You both see all the looks and interest being made. There are curious minds out there wanting to know more I think, but they just seem to me to be afraid to say anything.
I'm not falling for it again. Looks more like you're trying to play me for a fool at this point and I can't waste more time with it. I suggest you find another teacher in this matter because it's become clear I can't make any progress with you. Start with reading post #71 this time. I'm also not surprised you're finding it difficult to find anyone willing to say anything in support of your ideas or posts with this antenna.
Both you and Donald talk like you fully understand completely how the S4/NV4K works, or at the very least know enough to argue that my model is wrong. So, I am confused and have questions. Why can't you both together convince me of what you know? You both seem pretty clear in you conviction that you're both right.
I think there are plenty of guys out there that would like to be convinced too.
Bob what is your opinion about the cancellation ideas that I presented?
What significance do you place on the accuracy of my Vector model, considering I showed evidence that the maximum current at the center of the top 1/2 wave is almost the same as noted on the CST model that Donald posted?
So, who else is there Bob?
Stop waging the dog Marconi. You showed evidence that EZNEC gets ONE current close to right on the entire antenna. Not even the current in dispute yet you wag it around like it was the holly grail CST actually is in this case. I've met many skeptical people in discussing this design and heard many ideas. Not one of them even tried to use the top 1/2 wave section of this antenna as though it were in dispute at all.
Get back to the bottom 1/4 wave radiator where EZNEC is just about totally wrong and why 90 degree phase delays are needed to stack another 1/2 wave on top of a Sigma.
PS: If you ever have any model of the Sigma you think is worth anyone viewing, make sure you can add an electrical 1/4 wavelength horizontal "U" shaped phase delay to the top with another 1/2 wave vertical on top of the phase delay and see gain over the stock antenna. Until you have a model that can do what we see in the field on this particular issue, they aren't even worth looking at much less trying to extrapolate any specific information. Unless you want to know how a 1/2 wave works.
We are not smarter than Cebik who said it would be difficult to model this antenna in EZNEC. We don't know more about the program than Roy, who refuses to even consider the fact that his program could make a mistake analyzing any radiation current. You have never seen an accurate computer simulation of this antenna in EZNEC so you shouldn't say another word in support of modeling this antenna in that program until your model can pass the constructive radiation phase test I've outlined above.