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You need distance and matched radiators to reflect the signal. That's why I hook my RG8 up to railroad tracks by the house, It works like a tuning fork, then used a tuner to adjust for frequency. I get the best results East and West because that's the way the tracks run. "Secret Squirrel keying up on the Baltimore and Ohio. 5 watts swinging cross country. "
should i cut my antenna pole off just below the antenna mount and install a rotating hinge i can control with a rope running through my coax entrance point to go horizintal to vertical? make my ground plains into gp beams?
when looking at a sine wave signal we understand that one cycle is equal to the distance from either one crest or trough to the next crest or trough. here's the question. if @ a frequency of 27 mhz this cycle repeats itself 27,000,000 times every second, what is the amount of time required for a single cycle?
if BBI can answer that question then i'll watch his antenna video / "tutorial."
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL) is the national association for amateur radio, connecting hams around the U.S. with news, information and resources.
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