I'd be more interested if it had sideband capabilities, and if they shaved some off the price.
Initially, I suspected that their target demographic was truck drivers. And, that may be so, but, as a driver myself, I don't know many other drivers that would spend $450 on a radio. They can't afford to. If they CAN afford to, they'll be dropping that cash on a "peaked and tuned" export with 10 (and maybe 12) meter, SSB, "freebanding", echo, and whatever other bells and whistles come on those things. And, they've probably already got radar detectors, and use them, even in the states that don't allow them.
Myself, I think the radio is a cool idea. It seems similar in concept (legal alternative to radar detectors, mainly ) to the Cobra 29LXMAX. Cobra just approaches the issue from a different angle. And, at less than half the price.
Hopefully, Uniden will come up with a 985SSB, and make it less expensive. I'd probably pay up to $250 for it. But, $450 is a bit much. (Of course, since the current model is $450, I guess that adding SSB would put it well over $500; and that's just not worth it, to me.)