Also keep in mind when hanging the antenna as you plan it will be more directional then if hung in a inverted V format.
Got that covered, I think.
All of thye connections are going to be inside a 2 foot piece of 4" PVC. The end cap on the top of this will have an eyebolt attached.
A rope (with 10 feet of bungee type material attached at each end to allow for sway) will run from one tree to the other at a height of 70-75 feet. The collector will be hung from this eyebolt.
The ends of the radials need 38 inches of seperation between bands, or 114 inches total. I am lowering the ends so the top band, 80 meter, is at the 55 foot point (+-) and the bottom band, 10 meter, is at about 45 feet. I haven't done the math to see exactly, but this should get me fairly close to 45 degrees.
Bob (still just "Bob" sign-less Bob. I hope that changes this afternoon)