I'm going to do an antenna like this, except with a 1:1 balun added, just for good measure:
I do have a question about radial length(s). I'm doint the same 4 bands...10, 20, 40, and 80 meters. I am guessing the radial length(s) in this antenna design are based on the absolute middle of each band. Is that where I want to be? I'm guessing that as I get out towards the edges the radiowaves quality drops a little. If one end of the band is better than the other, should I use a different frequency for figuring the radial lengths? Or...am I over thinking the whole thing and I should just go with the lengths given in the linked article?...
Thanks guys!
EDIT: I just re-read that and my question is clear as mud. Let's try again:
Say Band A is frequencies 1-10. The length of the radial would total 468/5, or 93...correct? But what if frequencies 8, 9, and 10 were rarely used, and 1, 2, and 3 were heavily used? Wouldn't I get better performance for the portion of the band that is actually used by using either 468/4 or even 468/3? I'd lose the higher frequencies that are rarely used, but wouldn't the quality of the reception on the portion that IS used be better?
If I'm right, what frequency should I use for each of the 10, 20, 40, and 80 meter bands?