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Bells CB tune-up?

Logic and common sense don't seem to have much to do with recommending CB shops it would seem.
If a shop consistently produces great-sounding work with decent receive it would seem logical to recommend that shop. On the other hand if a shop consistently produces over modulated and distorted audio it would seem logical not to recommend that shop. I apologize if my documentation of reality offends anyone since that wasn't my intent.
Even after all of the remarks posted, porkchop didn't get bent out of shape and fire back too crazy. See, we can be civil round here....I think?
I would like to see some reasonable proof that Bell does bad work though.
Cb Repair Mike PA
Mobile (717) 253-3980
Let us know what you think of his work. It's definitely much better than what you would get from the shop in Oakland Park Florida.

Maybe I'm thick, but couldn't find his website. Like I stated before, im looking for a shop to purchase a SSB radio & have it tuned at the same time.
I'll keep my ears open and maybe I'll bump into more of his customers as time goes by.
I just don't understand how one driver with bells radio proves anything. We all know that the radio itself is only a small part of a station. I can make any radio sound bad with a bad antenna setup and cranking everything to 11 with a power mic. I also haven't seen anyone say a bad thing about Mark's work, just that he is an arrogant donkey. I'm pretty sure that is where everyone else is too. That's pretty much all I have to say about that.
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I just don't understand how one driver with bells radio proves anything. We all know that the radio itself is only a small part of a station. I can make any radio sound bad with a bad antenna setup and cranking everything to 11 with a power mic. I also haven't seen anyone say a bad thing about Mark's work, just that he is an arrogant donkey. I'm pretty sure that is where everyone else is too. That's pretty much all I have to say about that.
That's totally true that video really doesn't prove anything but it sure makes for good entertainment. I don't get to hear his customers up this way too often at least not very many are willing to admit that he did work for them. I try to document things as I hear them.
If a shop consistently produces great-sounding work with decent receive it would seem logical to recommend that shop. On the other hand if a shop consistently produces over modulated and distorted audio it would seem logical not to recommend that shop. I apologize if my documentation of reality offends anyone since that wasn't my intent.

You missed my point. Again, logic and common sense appear to be lacking in a lot of shop recommendations. Some people love the way a radio sounds simply because they have no understanding of how a radio SHOULD sound. Others are blind as to what spectral purity means and as long as they are "gittin' out" that is all that matters and still others recommend a shop based on wild claims.
ill say one thing positive fine tune radios are clean.
buy most people dont want clean. they want loud. after all its crappy cb radio. not hf. hf needs to be clean.
Some people love the way a radio sounds simply because they have no understanding of how a radio SHOULD sound.

Exactly. Case in point, my one local who considers himself "King of the Band" never misses an opportunity to tell me how "mudducky" I sound whenever he catches me on the air talking to my base from 30+ miles away. He prefers the sound of his radios cranked wide open and considers splattering and distorted audio as a sign of performance. I can be 50 miles out and be having a perfectly clear conversation back to my base and he'll chime in to tell me I sound like sh*t. I can use his reports as a sign that my gear is working as I want it to, I have no desire to sound like he does. :D
Going back to RPC's viddy that cried about getting out 'only three miles'.

Since when is that really ever been the radio's fault? You can take an out-of-the-box radio and do that - and more. Sounds to me that is an antenna problem; not the fault of a shop that tunes a radio right or wrong. Not really the right concept to go after if one is concerned about proper radio operation and tuning. Crappy selling point - IMO. Better modulation and maybe a couple of extra watts doesn't make any difference about distance; isn't it more like how well one is being heard w/o distortion and then how effective it has been radiated? It missed the boat.
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Here is my logic on why you should just buy it and run it first before you let anyone touch it.

1) People who buy radios from CB shops and have them perform a "tune" and "alignment" do so because they don't know how to do it themselves or don't have the equipment.

2) Then they receive the radio - they don't know what has been done to it (unless it's explained to them in detail and even then they don't know what that really means because if they did know they would have just done it themselves).

3) They use the radio and decide it works great (or that it sucks) - without any baseline to compare it against because they didn't have a chance to try out the radio before the work. Nor do they have any equipment to actually test after the work to see if everything was done correctly.

4) Then they tell other people how great a shop is because of their experience.

It's like buying a brand new car and before you ever drive it, you send it to auto repair shop behind the Wal-Mart to have them make sure everything is working perfectly and to tune it up and then you drive it around and you think it's great so you tell all of your friends to send their brand new cars to that shop too.

If your radio doesn't work the way you want it to then yes, send it to someone who can fix it for you or tune it the way you want it to sound, but if you don't know the difference in the first place why would you waste your money? They could literally just break the seal on the box and tell you it's been tuned and aligned and you'd have no clue.

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