rob, that 2018 sounded very clear and loud. thanks for that, its the first time ive heard one of those mics.
your friend Russ was way overmodulated. LOL that is the classic 148, clip R131, turn the mic gain on the radio all the way up sound. cant tell really, but i think he was running a power mic as well.
i used to be a die hard power mic user, base and mobile. now i dont run any power mics in the mobile. once i realized how much background noise there always is in a mobile environment, and that my mic was amplifying it along with my voice, i tried an astatic 636 noise canceling mic and i will never go back.
if you get a good radio that can be made louder internally without ruining the sound, like the 148 type uniden chassis, the 25/29LTD radios, and the galaxy type radios; there is no need for a power mic and all it does is make your audio noisier.
i think power mics in the mobile are like 92 octane gas, many people think its better for their car, but its actually for certain specific situations only.
im just putting my opinion out there, not trying to convince anyone of anything. LOL
BOOTY, if you are thinking about using a D104 you need to know that the non amplified D104's are a HI-Z (impedance) mic, and modern solid state radios are LO-Z mic inputs.
therefore, if you want to use a non amplified D104 with your washington, you will have to buy and install a little circuit for it that converts it from HI to LO impedance to match your radio's input impedance.
i have seen them before online, and i think on ebay, but i cant remember exactly where.
one thing you could do is put the Xtreme 2018 circuitry and element in a D104 body.
i would only do this if the D104 circuitry and element were shot.
BTW- i love this idea of people making videogates about what different setups sound like.
maybe there should be a section of the forum where someone records what another local sounds like, and lists the setup, including the type of radio used, the mods done to the radio, the type of mic used, and what both are set at.
i for one would really enjoy knowing what type of setup im listening to.