Hardrock, I have a question for you. Are you talking about HF antennas in general, or are you taking general HF knowledge as ham would need it and trying to apply it to a CB antenna?
In the real world, if you are using something like a 40 meter ham radio antenna in a mobile environment, the data you like to quote is fine. However, if you are trying to apply it to CB specifically, you are reading to much into it. If you have a CB antenna of reasonable length and you get an R of "20 or less", then you have a problem with the CB antenna.
In one case you are shortening a CB antenna to, lets say for comparison purposes, about 50% of its optimal (resonant) length, and in the other, to get an antenna of the same physical length and tune it to the 40 meter ham radio band (a frequency band in the ham radio spectrum commonly used for mobile work) you are looking at closer to 15% of its optimal length.
Which of these antenna is going to have more of an effect on R at resonance than the other? Which antenna will take a much bigger hit to coil efficiency?
Also, do you think coil efficiency is the only loss you have to worry about in a mobile environment that adds to the R variable? Set up a full length CB antenna that has no loading coil on a car and see what R is, it will be higher than you expect. You can take a magnet mount antenna and move it around the vehicle and see changes in R, and that will happen weather or not there is a loading coil on the antenna. Thinking that a loading coil is the only thing that will raise R on your antenna analyzer is a dangerous and incorrect assumption.
Also, as far as a vast majority of CB antennas are concerned, if you have more than one or two ohms of loss on an antenna that is five feet long or longer, then you have a problem, much less 25 ohms. To make this determination, however, you would have to separate said loading coil from the antenna and measure such things separately, as when it is on the antenna, as I mentioned above, it isn't the only thing that affects R in that way.
And for information purposes, the more you shorten a given antenna, comparatively speaking, the more additional losses you will see. To explain that, lets use an example. Lets say you have a full length resonant antenna (no loading coil) and decide to shorten it by 10%. There will be some loss in the loading based on that 10% of shortening. Then you decide to shorten it again taking another 10% of its original size off. The total losses in the antenna will increase yet again, but this time, even though you took the same length away again, the loading will add even more losses. Do this a third time and you have even more losses added than the second time. Each time you take away a given percent of antenna length losses go up more than the last time. Another way of saying this is as you physically shorten an antenna losses increases exponentially.
What does this mean in the real world? There is an effective limit to efficiently shortening your antenna, and depending on how it is shortened, that limit is between 40% and 50% of original length. You get beyond those numbers and performance significantly drops off due to the exponential growth of losses in efficiency.
Now lets add this to the CB/40 meter comparison above. In one case we are at 50% of the resonant length, it is on the edge, but still relatively efficient, and its effects on R, both the lowering of R due to antenna length, and raising R due to losses in the coil, will be visible but minor.
In the other case the antenna is near 15% of its resonant length, you will have a much larger effect on R from both shortening the antenna and additional losses, and the antenna will be far less efficient.
One thing to note in both of these situations, you will see far more of an effect on R from shortening the antenna than you will see from the added loading losses, but like I said above, coil losses are not the only thing in a mobile environment that will increase R.
The DB