I read an interesting thread on here about the Ameritron amps and how the poster was looking at getting this amp to initially use on 11 meter with a view on also being able to use it on HAM in the future when he or she got licensed / educated up.
It was all interesting until when some mentioned the fact the Ameritron required an "exciter" which meant a foot pedal to press down to use if one wanted to use it on 11 m. Is this true? I ask since I can see myself evolvling into the HAM world, and being left with redundant hardware .
You will need an external switch (foot pedal) to put it in transmit mode on any band. You can wire a relay into your mic cord that will key the amp when you key the radio. This is the better way to key an amp than how cb amps are made. It doesn't hot switch the relay and no chattering issues with a ssb delay.
There are many ways to key the amp and it's not complicated. All HF amps will be like this unless some hack puts in an RF sniffer type keying circuit.
Ameritron uses a 12 volt circuit for the relay. Heathkits and other old amps might have 120v or more. This is something to keep in the back of your mind.
Don't expect much of a warranty on a cb amp. No one will warranty transistors and you're buying an illegal product anyway. It is a buyer beware market. If you want a 500 watt amp buy one that will do 1000 and run it at 500. Being cheap will catch up to you.