and will be getting him on some kind of charges.As a retred cop,i have alot af lawyer frends.Drag his happy little ass to court here in Missouri from R.I.He isnt answering emails anymore.I have a fellow cop frend that his brother-inlaw is a R.I. State Trooper,might have him stop by,hehe.Will keep everyone posted.73 de n0zna
Actually he is not harassing any one... there has been NO mention of a call sign or name, just look out for someone advertising a radio..
but then again some of the words used can be determened as a threat
Would those words be the one's he misspelled?
And having a "RI STATE TROOPER FREND" stop by the guys house is a threat if there is no "COURT ORDERED WARRANT" or "NEED TO SERVE A COURT SUMMONS" is a very large threat to this guy's privacy not to mention his "CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS".