Can it be done? Sure. Can there be problems in that 'doing'? Sure.
Okay, that part's out of the way. From there it can get a little complicated, depending on the bike, the antenna, and how the thing is ridden.
If you are looking for range, then a non-VHF frequency is probably your best choice. Unless you're talking about VHF/UHF and using repeaters, then I'd probably go with the repeater thingy, but that range isn't gonna be huge, sort of. If cost is a consideration, go with CB, it's cheaper, especially if this is a sort of "one time" thing.
You might also give a little thought to how you're gonna power this thing. Simple idea, but sometimes not the easiest to do, sort of. (Not sure of the kind of bike, so might be a difference or two there.)
Figure on using what you already have, or trying something 'new'. Making the radio like that antenna can get to be a problem since there usually isn't much 'metal' for that antenna to 'work against'. What's under that bike, dirt, concrete, whatever, will play a part in the antenna system just like it does on a car/truck/whatever. Gonna have enough of that "ground"? Beats me, try it and see. Don't 'fixate' on any one particular 'part'/aspect of that antenna system, look at all of it. Bunch of ways to 'finagle' a change to make it work. Maybe not real well, but it can work.
Any specific recommendations? Nope, can't, don't know what you have to work with.
Have fun...
- 'Doc