I hooked the bitx40 to my 80m doublet fed with 600ohm true ladder line, with a Johnson matchbox and had no problem making contacts with it, even got a contact in south America. mine does a solid 4-5 watts pep with the icom hm-36 mic,, the receive is great, the radio has a calibration option, mine was off about 200hz but after doing the calibration it is dead on frequency. the tuning is a bit tricky at first, the tuning pot only has so much range so when you get to the stop the frequency will start to auto-count up or down depending on which way you turn the vfo then you just turn the opposite direction when you go past your desired frequency, pretty simple when you get used to it. the board doesn't have any memory for what frequency you were on when you turn the radio off then back on, seems to just pick a random frequency when you power it up, not too big of a deal. all in all a great radio for the price and it just plain works!
if you go on the facebook pages for the bitx40, guys already have new software you can load into the Arduino Nano and get USB for jt65 and they also show a simple vox ciruit and how to add it to the radio