The one thing I've learned in the time I've spent 'playing' with this sort of stuff is that you can NOT trust things to be as they should be (if they were, what are you doing poking around in there anyway?). I seem to learn 'best' by making mistakes. So far, those mistakes have not been fatal (I think?). Painful (as in 'ouch' and $$$), yes, fatal, not yet! All I can say is that it's your 'neck', treat it as you want it to be treated. If it absolutely has to be fixed right now, you are probably going to regret it. "Hurry" always has a price. It may not be much, but then, it certainly can be...
- 'Doc
Oh, yeah. If you don't know what you are supposed to be doing, don't do it. It's much harder to think of things before you have to, naturally. But that 'thinking' can save you all sorts of stuff. If you wonder, I will have lots of regrets if your goof is fatal. That'll make it all worthwhile, right??
- 'Doc
Oh, yeah. If you don't know what you are supposed to be doing, don't do it. It's much harder to think of things before you have to, naturally. But that 'thinking' can save you all sorts of stuff. If you wonder, I will have lots of regrets if your goof is fatal. That'll make it all worthwhile, right??