BOBTAIL ANTENNAS Best kept Secret of Ham Radio
Bobtails are simply the best kept secret of the last fifty plus years. I have been building and using them for years from a simple 3 element to many elements. The traditional bobtail has about 6 db gain bidirectionally and an extremely low take off angle of about 18 degrees depending on who you read. It does not have to be mounted high, in fact, all my bobtails have been at ground level, the tails a few feet or touching the ground. They are also very broad-banded, but typically only work for the band they are designed for. With my 5 element 20 meter I can usually hear Europe an hour before most stations are working Europe. Using 100 watts I can work anything I hear, using 5 watts I can usually snag about one out of two Europeans, and with a half watt I can work about one out of four or five Europeans. I have worked the world though with half a watt and my bobtail antennas. I sent a 3 element to a friend stationed in Iraq, and I using likewise on 40m a 3 ele bobtail with 300 watts, he said I had the best signal he had ever, repeat ever heard from the states. These antennas are not difficult to build. I sell a huge selection of them on Ebay, but you don't need to buy one from me to find out the wonderful results this antenna produces. Get some wire and start building. I swear, it is the best wire antenna out there, and to be quite frank, for the low bands where it is difficult to get a good dx antenna, you can't beat the bobtail, it will run circles around the yagis, etc. Incidentally, all you need are two trees or masts 135 feet apart, and about 34 feet tall. Throw a rope in the tree, pull one end up, go to the other tree, and throw the other end up and pull it up. You now have a 3 element 40 m beam with a super low, dx producing angle of radiation. I sell a switchable version, where you can beam N&S or E&W at the flip of a switch. Seriously, if you build it, they (DX) will come. 73 John W3IK "The Bobtail Guy"