If you bought a radio from Sparky there is no need to send it off to a "service center". If you have a problem you call them and send it back. DTB, Bobs, Sparky's, and Custom CB are great places to deal with.
Theres techs on this forum that do great work, why go anyplace else
I'm 57 years old I have worked on late model cars all my life and have been on top of all the computer updates and working of new cars, CB and 10 meter radios have not evolved not at all like the car stuff and I fix all my problems in days not weeks or months, how can these radio shops keep radios for months without the owner not complaining, could you imagine me keeping your car for months for a repair?? I don't think so
A 40 grand car and a 300 dollar radio is a big difference but Sparky is not the man he use to be
Well Rob all bullshitting aside I bought a new 2970N2 came here not able to be used to me that is not customer service and as far as I am concerned I got ripped off for a lot more than 300 dollars so FFFF Sparky and his BULLSHIT my radio arrived not in working order, if your reading this Sparky FUCK YOU YOU RIPPED ME OFF I GOT A NEW RADIO THAT DIDN'T WORK sorry if this offened other people but I am pissed off after spending almost 400 American worked for dollars and get a radio that I can not use SPARKYS BENCH WORKERS SUCK YOU SENT ME A FUCKED UP RADIO, HOPE YOU ASSHOLES GET COAL FOR CHRISTMAS YOU ASSHOLES
My 87 year old mama would still beat my face for talking like that.