Booty, Marconi makes some great points on the dimensions of the V4k. They are critical. I have reconsidered my experience with the one I built, and it is true i could not get it to tune properly without reworkinf the Gamma location from top to bottom. It seemed I had to male the gamma fit directly between two of the radials exactly centered at the exact distances from the center vertical along its entire length as the radials were from the center vertical. Whem making the antenna it struck me odd at the time how that on 11 meter Yagis the gamma needed to be set at about 4" out from the driven element, but this antenna needed to be at an angle so close and distant from end-to-end.
What plagued me most with this antenna is that, as Marconi said, without any other way of measuring my success with the antenna except to a 5/8 wave, Ihad no real way of knowing whether my Qv4k was actually what it should be. I will get back to it soon and see if I like it more. A 5/8 is a simple antenna by comparison.
What plagued me most with this antenna is that, as Marconi said, without any other way of measuring my success with the antenna except to a 5/8 wave, Ihad no real way of knowing whether my Qv4k was actually what it should be. I will get back to it soon and see if I like it more. A 5/8 is a simple antenna by comparison.