Marconi, it's the top one antenna that was a copy of the avanti.
That's a good idea about sleeving the tubing over the stock piece.
i will have to use a 1 inch piece i suppose because i think that stock piece is about 3/4 of an inch in diameter.
I want to upgrade my coax since i will be running 90 feet of it, and i will need to get that here before i put the antenna up and get the ends put on, so it will be at least a couple of weeks before i get the antenna up in the air.
I will be sure to post back when i get it up, but it will take more time than that to know how well it's doing. of course some skip would be a nice way to test it.
hint hint mother nature.
i am also going to be putting a bunch of ferrite on the coax at the bottom of the mast this time.
That's a good idea about sleeving the tubing over the stock piece.
i will have to use a 1 inch piece i suppose because i think that stock piece is about 3/4 of an inch in diameter.
I want to upgrade my coax since i will be running 90 feet of it, and i will need to get that here before i put the antenna up and get the ends put on, so it will be at least a couple of weeks before i get the antenna up in the air.
I will be sure to post back when i get it up, but it will take more time than that to know how well it's doing. of course some skip would be a nice way to test it.
hint hint mother nature.
i am also going to be putting a bunch of ferrite on the coax at the bottom of the mast this time.