One of you mentioned a 'Windom' and a 'Fan Dipole'. Well, I looked into the Windom and it seems to be very efficient, covers many bands, and has a decent broadband capability. It's only $59 plus shipping -10% w/PayPal.
What do you think of the Radiowavz brand and the 10-40 meter version?
If I have to get a dipole up for 40 meters and below; I would need a distance of 66 ft above groud for a half-wave of 40 meters. Correct?
Has anyone used this brand and can tell me anything about it? For the price, I don't think I could buy all the parts and assemble and tune it any cheaper. Time is one of the considerations I have; as I have three month untill it's off to the Great Plains and storm spotting. I think I can make it from a tree on the far east end of the lot, put up a mast in the middle, and terminate at the west end of the property. Which is where my Ham shack is. I've also noticed that Radiowavz sells a dipole for the CB band; any input on this? I could probably make a CB dipole out of a SO-239 connector and a dual 18 ft run of stainless steel or solid core copper wire and build it myself. Any tips or suggestions are greatly appreciated! Anyone use a dipole for CB and like it? Is it as good as the claims?
I'm sure that those Radiowavz antennas are fine. If you can conceivably do it, I'd go with the 80 m version instead.
That said, Sonwatcher built a slightly different version of the Windom for less than $15, using clothesline, speaker binding posts, and a homemade 1:1 balun. I know he has excellent results with it. You could put the money saved towards a nice tuner, or a sound card interface, or some other piece of gear.
Remember that even with a commercially made wire antenna, you might have to make some changes. Antennas behave differently based on their environment, so don't expect that buying a pre-made antenna is going to be a plug and play type situation. It might, but don't count on it.