mount for MFJ antenna I listed earlier!
MFJ-1775, ROTATABLE DIPOLE, 6-BAND,(40,20,15,10,6,2M) | MFJ Enterprises Inc
VHF/UHF vertical set-up for FM usage.
Feed with H/D Balanced Antenna Tuner !!!
The 718 doesn't have the bling... LolSeriously why would you buy this drifting, splattering poorly designed radio for $839 plus tune/conversion when you could have a nice IC-718! Hmmm $839.95 versus $524.95…that’s a no brained. Oh must be the value Echo and Roger Beep add.
What is the rush to extra? There are far to many extras out there that have never touched a radio. The whole point of the extra class was you were a ham for a few years, learned the ropes and then you upgraded. Nowadays everyone want the extra without learning anything. My biggest laugh came once on a Facebook group when an extra asked what the difference was between rg-8 and rg-58.As an aside, I am working on the Extra exam. That exam has singed my short hairs after failing it once. Taking it just after the General Exam and being totally unprepared I failed. OK, I took a shot at it and missed, but I don't like failing. Back to the subject at hand, I need to get my hands on my HOA's rule book and see it's position on flag poles. Antennas are a complete mystery to me right now but I'll figure something out even if it means using my car or using a platform that needs to be taken down at night. I saw a video os some woman getting help with an attic installation which worked out just fine. After some adjustments she was able to make some long distance contacts. She does live near me. I think she picked up Ireland.